Ravage not applying Vicious Cycle

They still have not fixed this as of 3/2/25. Blizzard, why have maul change to ravage and then have multiple ways of empowering mangle through maul if we can’t use it? Vicious Cycle changes the rotation slightly by having us weave in other abilities while we wait for rage to cast a maul for mangle to be empowered. When ravage does not apply the empowerment to mangle it just feels bad because the time we took to weave other abilities and build rage are not being rewarded with the way the rotation should work. I understand it’s a proc based rotation and it would feel so much better if it didn’t feel clunky and hit a road block just because of spells not applying. You have to start the 3’s stack again causing rage to essentially be wasted because you got that maul to proc into ravage. The same problem exists with Raze.

I’ve also reported this in the bug forum. Please get more guardian’s posting as I think it’s a bug! Maul and Raze when empowered to Ravage do not apply Vicious Cycle