Maul and Raze when empowered to Ravage do not apply Vicious Cycle

Maul and Raze when empowered to Ravage do not apply Vicious Cycle to mangle. Vicious Cycle changes our rotation by having us weave in other abilities while we wait for cd’s or rage to build. It’s a 3’s rotation, maul, maul, maul to empower mangle. Mangle, mangle, mangle to empower maul. When ravage does not apply the buff to mangle it throws the rotation off. I don’t think this is intended, I hope not because that means our rotation and cd’s and rage managed wisely have caused a dps loss just from the basis of now having to restart our rotation. Unless this is intended and the rotation is supposed to be fixed by using Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc just for rage and or reduced cd’s on mangle, but it just feels clunky. I guess why have ravage replace maul or raze in this manner if it is intended and if not can we get a blue response? It just feels super bad to have first, the weaving of kitty and the meta for a 3’s rotation now for guardian where it’s maul three times, mangle three times and get thrown off by a ravage which is proc based.