Ravage not applying Vicious Cycle

Has anyone encountered a bug with maul changing to ravage and not applying vicious cycle? Mangle increases the damage of your next cast of maul or raze, and casting maul or raze increases the damage of your next mangle by 15%, stacking up to three times. When maul procs to ravage in the druid of the claw talents, it does not apply the damage buff. This makes the rotation a little weird for stacking the buff so you can do more damage with your mangle. I was just wondering if this was intended and if any other guardians are having the same issue. Thanks so much for any feedback.

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Yes OMG I am also experiencing this. After testing, I can confirm that Ravage is consuming stacks of Vicious Cycle for Maul damage but is not generating any stacks of Vicious Cycle for Mangle damage. It is definitely a bug because Ravage should function exactly the same as Maul. And I hope it gets fixed soon because it’s a big damage loss and like you said throws off our rotation.

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Has this been fixed yet?