Rating requirements on pvp gear when there are meta specs

hpals can get r1 in 5’s.

Theres no conflating going on here. The Glad results are a subset of how the arena is going to go. Easy for meta specs, not so for off meta.

That would be fine if class adjustments were active. They’re not.

SO you’re saying that people who play suboptimal specs perform worse then people who min/max?


Its you that argues in bad faith when you claim that Hpallys are absolutely glad viable.

Only the very best players in the world will do that.

Nobody cares about tbc arena rankings in 2008 lmao. Nobody was good back then. All the spell cleaves we saw in the tournament was the result of the pserver meta.

So youre saying entire classes are not min/max in the arena? Holy cow why are we gating gear behind ratings?

Very unlikely in 2’s, but actually plausible in 3’s with a very PVE geared warrior + a Disc healer partner. double healer Arms is a thing, oh man will the forums blaze in hate for that one.

People were plenty good by season 4. Stop bullsh*tting. Things are going to play out the same way.

LOL okay gently pats you on the head


Will play out the same - probably even more rogues and druids.

breaks your hand before it touches my head

Pats your shoulder and reminds you that it’s just a game and you’re gonna be just fine

Thanks. That guy was way out of line. :scream::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“You think you do but you don’t, and we’ll make sure of that”

I am cool with rating requirements… just not with them being so high.

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