Rated Solo Shuffle vs Conventional 3v3 SoloQ

Rated solo shuffle is an interesting idea but there are a couple of problems I see with it over just giving us conventional 3v3 solo queue.

  1. You’re locked into 6 games in a row which can take quite a while
  2. Leaving might genuinely be an issue if the penalty isn’t large enough
  3. It doesn’t really solve any problems that normal soloq would have

I’m assuming the main “issue” that people think shuffling will generally solve is getting bad comps since there’s a larger pool of players and combinations but that doesn’t really change your odds if you compare one solo shuffle game to 6 conventional 3v3 rounds. You’re still going to end up with bad matchups, potentially even for all 6 rounds if you’re unlucky. It just evens it out a bit more because it’s 6 matches instead of 1 and it’s with the same people which is definitely potentially an upside but I think the drawbacks outweigh that.

Bad matchups and comps are going to happen no matter what. They might seem to matter more in a conventional 3v3 solo queue, but over a large amount of games, the amount of good and bad matchups will roughly even out and skill will be the common denominator for people who end up climbing.

Anyways, I’d like to hear your guys’ thoughts on rated solo shuffle vs conventional 3v3 solo queue.

They’ve made an attempt to speed up games.

You lose 6 games worth of rating/mmr. If it’s happening often then just have a stacking deserter, like 15 minutes, 20, 30, 60, etc, and make it account-wide so they can’t hop on alts/

  1. Tanks queing

End thread :slight_smile:


Ya the way they’re doing this isn’t good. Only allowing 30 seconds in between rounds will not be enough for properly thinking about the matchup and tweaking your talents.

Also stacking dampening sooner just makes it feel like less of a legitimate 3v3 experience.

Just feels like they’re trying to solve problems that just aren’t really problems in conventional 3v3.

Honestly they should add a lever or switch into both shuffle and normal ranked arena that if everybody pulls then it starts the match early. 30 seconds is more than enough.

It’s almost like the mode isn’t conventional 3v3.


Exactly. I’m not sure why they’re so dead-set on giving us this strange experience. People wanted rated soloqueue. Give us rated soloqueue, and if any problems prop up, fix them. They’re trying to solve problems that exist in any other class/champion based pvp game and they aren’t actually solving those “problems”.

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Because throwing people together in isolated 3v3s feels too bad/rng. That’s why everybody gets thrown into a block of six matches and all have to play with each other.

If you could opt into what you want to play then you’d have people sitting there for 40 minutes to get a single match in.

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How is this meaningfully different from conventional 3v3 soloq? This doesn’t change anything with matchup RNG. It’s almost directly equivalent to playing 6 separate matches of normal 3v3. You will get bad lobbies no matter what. This even happened to Cdew in the solo shuffle tourney they did. Had 2 mages in his lobby as an Rsham. Also makes fighting “smurfs” way more obnoxious because your skill matters less for the outcome 6 matches in a row instead of just 1. Keep in mind they’re also doing separate ratings for each spec so you will be fighting “smurfs” a lot more often.

Because it takes away from the unfairness feeling of just looking at the comp and going “oh, we lose”. Obviously if somebody plays enough it’ll even out, and everybody goes to where they deserve to be, but most people would quit super early on.

Nah, smurfs have the cheese factor of gimmick killing you by second DR and with only a single match you can’t figure out how to stop it, let alone coordinate how to do it.

Like right now if somebody is playing 1-shot Assa rogue they’ll kill somebody first round, then in the next 5 everybody knows what they’re doing and plays around it.

Well, not always. Sometimes you have some little 1600 exp guy who gets torn in half every round, but that’s just how it is.

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Talking about actual smurfs, not people trying cheese builds. Not sure why you’d even bring that up.

This problem also exists on the opposite end of the spectrum. If there’s one person in the lobby who’s just not as good as the rest, that also lowers the value of your individual skill for 6 rounds in a row instead of just 1.

I feel like rated solo shuffle can only be better than normal 3v3 soloq if the matchmaking always pits 6 people of nearly completely equal skill against each other but that’s obviously never going to be possible. Soloqueue works in every other champion/class based game, why would it not work in wow? Comp matters a lot in League and Overwatch but it works fine there. They’re trying to solve problems that aren’t actually problems and will just even themselves out like they do in every other ranked game over time.

Everyone should just queue tanks instead of healers so the matches are faster.

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Even without cheese builds you’re generally going to be surprised first match and fall behind or just outright die.

Nah, people move up and down to where they deserve to be very quickly with the wow mmr system.

No doubt those finding themselves languishing in the depths for yet another expansion will come and bless us with their dissertations on how it’s the system (and their teammates) that are flawed.

I still just feel like solo shuffle doesn’t really solve anything. It just makes the experience overall less legitimate. I really would like for them to just give normal 3v3 Soloqueue a chance before trying alternatives.

It solves the biggest issue, though? :dracthyr_love_animated:

Well, yeah. It’s not premade 3v3 on voice, which is still there.

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Every match is going to be a lottery like other rated systems if you’re unable to control half the variables like in regular arenas.

Regular arenas the only uncontrolled variables are what you play against and where. Solo shuffle, its everything but yourself, and you’re unlikely to coordinate as effectively.

Outside of a tournament of multi r1s, its likely to end up a headless crap show of specific classes dominating everytime.

When I was last playing, I remember getting a solo shuffle as a necro feral with the other 3 dps all being hunters. I couldn’t sustain bleeds the entire match.

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By that I meant it feels like some sort of bonus game instead of an actual competitive soloqueue experience.

Also if it wasn’t 30 seconds between games you could easily hop in VC before the game starts.

And what issue would that be?

People wanting to get into an arena and play.

Yeah, and “conventional” 3v3 would be the same.

In-game voice works just fine right now, I thought? Although I’d rather be flayed than hop into voice in solo queue, at least until higher mmr where people know what’s worth communicating.

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Imagine joining voip with someone you just beat or lost to. Hilarious levels of toxicity detected.

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Not really because in conventional 3v3, it isn’t the best player that gets top of the ladder. What comp you pick and who you play with matters a lot more than just your own skill. If everything is random, the highest rated person for each spec would actually be the best player of that spec.

Conventional 3v3 soloq would also solve that more legitimately.

Yeah, all these 1300-1600 players held back by their pesky teammates and B- tier comps.