Rated PvP Temporarily Closed to Cross-faction Groups

I still <3’d his post.

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still no updates …

See y’all in 10.0. Just like fixing Seething Shore in RBGs, huh?..

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Did they just allow cross faction and not even test all the possible conditionals based on what faction, not team, you are on?

Not even think to look at that?

Not even notice the issues in testing?


Yes, I was.

I would just like a update. a handful of my friends transferred now we stuck in limbo

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They fired QA years ago. So of course not.

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$$$ better transfer back $$$

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Just went and looked at PTR forums. At least there’s not a big glaring post talking about these issues there.


The other day I tried to take a rogues insignia and it said target is friendly.



Alliance queue into alliance and horde into horde in arenas but they are, in theory, supposed to be working together.

I’d lay off the serious sauce. Or realize conflict happens even when you’re supposed to be allied.

Allot of things don’t make sense. It’s a fantasy world.


Yeah. I was the dumb one who returned to the game, started anew my subscription on two accounts, bought three faction changes - all in excitement of being able to play with my friends and have shadowmeld again. Real life money wasted. Sucks.

Whats unforgiveable though is the ridiculously poor communication and customer service recovery. While its not ok to deliver a defective product of any type, ignoring your customers for now 2 days with any update at all is just plain offensive.

My friends told me Microsoft would change things. What a joke.

Wait. Am I allowed to say this with the new social contract??? Oh No … what if they ban me??? Oh wait. Who cares. LOL


agree so much. I would be opkay with a cs rep being like we are so sorry but we dont have a fix or update but still working on it. the silence makes me upset though


I would NEVER try and bump this thread with an irrelevant topic, but how do you post images and gifs? I feel like the blues would hear my cries for the cross-faction fix update if I had a nifty image or gif supporting my comments.

EDIT: fix’t, cuz I posted that on the wrong toon.

Any ETA on this? it’s annoying because it lets you join groups but get an error when you try to queue, so all sorts of people are trying to figure out what is up.


I wish. only thing I got from them was we dont have a update

UPDATE – June 3 5:00 p.m. PDT

We continue to work on this issue as a top priority, and expect that work on a fix will continue into next week. Because of the nature of rated PvP, bugs can result in an unfair competitive loss, and we want to be extra-cautious in testing our fix.

We will let you know as soon as we’ve finalized the solution to the issue.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


They laid off the guy who does backups.

It’s almost as though they decided they wanted to start fresh instead of looking at how merc mode has been working since wod. And they broke that too.