Rated battlegrounds could be as fun as arena

Don’t! Unless you didn’t have fun getting there.

Lol dude it’s not about putting effort in it’s about being new to something and having no idea. He’s using the tools blizzard gave him as well. Lfg is there for a reason.

Sometimes us vets forget just how huge wow is.

Decent vs the best possible. Some people like to bring everything they can to their team, including the best gear they have available. In this case we are talking rated as well so you can’t use your usual excuse of “oh you can do just fine in randoms” :roll_eyes:

In legion and now. If you’re a mythic + raider you get superior gear for half the work. Raiders complain about it as do pvpers. Everyone here has also stated that they likely do this because they’re trying to get people into it. I don’t disagree that that is their reason. I just don’t think it’s a good reason to make it reward so we’ll even when you fail.

I’m just barely 1500… I don’t deserve the best possible.

Skill should be the only factor in pvp, when everyone was talking about gear mattering in pvp meant they wanted to be able to choose what stats they were allowed to target.

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I think I agree for the most part, particularly about RBG’s.
You can start your own group in the group finder but if you’re new then you’re probably lacking in leadership and the group will end up being a yolo and everyone leaves after one loss. Outside of that, finding semi-serious RBG groups that actually want to play more than 1 or 2 matches can be bit of a pain in the ash, especially right now with participation already at nearly rock bottom.
Your best bet is likely Discord communities. You could try using the forum search option to look for “pvp community”. Also look for guilds in game which specifically advertise RBGs; if they don’t mention RBGs in the recruitment post then they’re going to be nothing but yolo trash. Here is the Oasis group which Arete mentioned.
Oasis Thread

For arenas the story is similar but not as much. It is easier to find arena partners in LFG because there is no need for organization or leadership or frequent target calling, so people can just jump in and play. While you can still use Discord communities for arenas, it is also quite valuable to just spam LFG groups not only for more arena practice but also it will help find more arena friends.

Yes it is true.
RBG organization is shet in-game, especially for newer players. And Blizz provides no direction whatsoever for outside organization such as Discord groups, though that is not really their responsibility. Even trying to search the forum for legit/active Discord groups or other communities is troublesome and often leads to dead ends and dead groups.

I mean… I get what you’re saying but I’m always a bit titled at this idea.
People should PvP primarily to push their own rank and capability as a player. Personal progress should be your reward. Not necessarily reaching Gladiator - just reaching 10 rating higher than your previous personal best is a good goal to aim for. Or even staying at the same rating but learning how to better outplay a counter comp or improving your survival and resets during enemies go phases. Things like gear, achieves, mounts , etc should be secondary and just a “oh that’s cool/fun” type of reward. I get excited if I reach a new CR/XP, but gear? Who cares, it’ll be vendor trash by next patch and unless it’s 10+ ilvl or has sockets then it’s negligible anyway.

Unfortunately people will screech that they “worked hard for their gear!” and throw fits because they can’t faceroll people anymore with their gear piloting them.


Gear isnt my problem though. Im 440 in resto. But i dont think theres an ilvl i could possibly have to not get insta declined for being unranked because i cant get in groups. And i had no idea that this oasis community even existed and im pretty sure 90% of the people attempting to transition from random que to rated do either.

Like i said i understand just like raider IO you want to check scores so you dont waste your time, but that definitely exludes new people from getting involved in pvp and eventually between burnout and people quitting the game altogether its just going to continuously shrink the community.

Im not saying theres a better soution, im just saying it is what it is.

And for the person talking about effort. I had full mythic gear in legion and ive gotten aotc and nearly mythic level gear every tier of bfa and after of over a year of trying to que off and on ive gotten invited 9 times.

The only way i could possibly put in more effort is if i coded and did all the art for the game myself.

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Yea I’d tend to agree with ya. Still though if you want people to get into it you have to provide some incentive to at least try…

No joke I used to be a random bg hero tbc-cata. Then there was this absolutely insane 2k elite set I wanted in mop that got me to dive in because I wanted it (never got it sadly :sob: rip). I’m more into arenas now than bgs because of it and yea that personal progression means more.

I also do agree with your other statement. Class design needs a big jump. You want people to participate you have to give them tools to stand out as well as have fun.

I think balancing is an issue too… Pretty sure PvP balancing has been kinda lack lustre this expansion. No minor tweaks, just massive sweeping changes making the op suck and suck op (ie enhance shamans).

Sadly man this is not true :slightly_frowning_face: there are people that like to pwn newbs. I don’t think this is the majority of pvpers and if you talk to ANY gladiator they’ll say this isn’t the case (Dilly has said he wishes the arena tourney realm was better/more used).

I feel like needing to feel your power progression is kinda pve mentality… PvP should be skill only.

Yep. And why Legion was the best.

To you. For random bgs.

For rated mythic+ gave infinitely better gear.

Of course there are people like that, I can’t argue you with that. And tournament realms to become “pvp” realms would have been amazing

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No, templates while better than current system was not the best. Except for random bgs. For rated systems mop and WoD did a much better job.

The only way templates would have been the best if you could have some how chose the stats allocated. Like say if you like hitting slower for harder or faster for softer, kind of comparison.

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If you only want skill to matter it was.

That is a non sequitor comparison, because overall gear didn’t matter in cata mop and wod because pvp gear was readily available and it was set at a max ilvl. Where even in legion the more geared player still had a numbers advantage. I felt the difference between my monk who was mythic geared from Ant, and the monk that was mostly just WQ gear.

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Not for rated it wasn’t though… In wod if you were 2k you were likely full gear fighting another team of full gear. 100%=

Templates we’re good for random bgs (despite the lack of customization) and that’s about it.

Seriously though a hybrid between wod scaling and legion % differences would be awesome.

Well yea most people here do randoms.

Well this thread is about rated bgs…

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And a pvp vendor ! :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

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I think in CTF maps if a player dies with the flag it should immediately be returned. Fighting to be the first scroll wheel click registered is more about luck than anything else. I’m fine with passing a flag, but upon death insta-return would be a good start for this mode.

They need to look deeply into knock back effects. There are players, especially DHs cough SF SF SF cough who abuse Illidan’s Grasp to throw player’s to their deaths. It’s not skillful, nor intended.

They need to fix the last remaining DH leaps that can ruin a match. cough SF SF SF cough (sorry, something stuck in my cough SF SF SF cough throat).

Reducing the player count would require teams to have coordination to land kills. This would wreck a large portion of the bracket’s current playerbase who specialize in playing skilless RBG classes like Spriest, Boomkin, and UHDK, since the vast majority of these players tab target dots off and try to maximize their padding. Make no mistake, they’re not good at what they do, and in a 6 player environment these classes become weaker.