Rate the transmog above you (Part 2)

Crusader look uh?

I kinda dig it, only thing that doesnt fully convince me is the chest piece with that chainmail around the chest, but its decent.


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Common theme

10/10. you remind me of this


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They actually are. I don’t know why they’re showing up blue in the armory, but they’re both mogged with Fiery Weapon.

One of my favorite cloth belts, but I think the rough leather in the shoulders is clashing a little with the elegance of the rest. 8/10.

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That’s a good remix of the TOGC set despite using very little of it.

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10/10 for name and xmog

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Dinging you one point because belts with loinclothes always look awkward when mogged over robes, but otherwise I’m super digging it. 9/10.

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serpent druid like appearence, looks okay
 but not amazing, seems basic. 6/10

Awesome Kael’Thas cosplay. Staff could use an update though. 8/10

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I get a strong legion vibe. I like it. 6/10 from

cool. look like a french fur trapper 10/10

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Good mog for an arcane mage :slight_smile: I wonder if there could be a better shoulder option but I like the mog overall! 9/10

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9/10, love the blue vibe - don’t see that often for hunters.

Those shoes look strange though, something going on with the top of the shoe? Not your fault though, great transmog. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


eeek so pretty 10/10


Yeah, it’s actually the pants that are creating that issue. The pants and boots are from the same set :man_shrugging:t4: I couldn’t find any other boots or pants that fit better with the darker blue theme–not many dark blue mail options that don’t also have lighter colors mixed in. There is one other pair of boots that I just got from DF. They fix the pants issue (a little taller) but are skinnier and I don’t think they fit the overall look. Maybe in TWW I can find a better option :slight_smile:

Lilock - I really like your warlock mog! Nice and simple and your hair goes great with the overall design. 10/10.

Posting on my remix priest (WildRat is my marks hunter on remix). For my priest’s mog, I went for a battle priest theme since I can easily dps even when playing holy on remix.

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its awesome. except the belt. belt is wrong color. the tassels are purple whereas everything else is gold, blue or white. 9/10

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Nice golden look 9.7/10

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8/10, mostly a set I believe, but it works.

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Not bad, not bad but you know
 I look better. :sunglasses:


(just teasing of course and I wonder if the shoulders you’re using with look better with my robe)

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