Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

9/10 the helm feels a little out of place with all the orange and the helm is gold with purple.

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Your sword made it 10/10.


hi. you can call me priscilla.



I was rocking with your outfit but then I got to the shoes. They stand out too much compared to the rest of your look. I think a darker, smoother type of footwear would go better with the outfit.


I really dig how simplistic your look is.

It’s perfect. I can feel the pain 10/10

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10/10 the perfect hunter mog :smiley:

Please judge my mage :point_down:


I kind of see something coming together, but there are a lot of random pieces. Alliance shoulders and belt with a gilneas tabard. Black headband and black pants with blue boots.
Silver dagger with a red jewel, butterfly wings.

You have a few solid pieces, but I think you need to find/pick a theme and go with it! But solid effort.

its really nice. your shoulders swallowed your head though. need a helm that sticks up slightly higher. 9/10

9/10, either too much pink or not enough white to feel like it all flows well.

Feel free to rate either this Paladin here.

Or my Draenei Paladin here.

both are really good! the sword is awesome on olanida and the boots for aenea. 10/10

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You have the mog that i dont want to walk around the wrong corner at night

You have the mog that i want to walk around the wrong corner to see at night
/wiggles elf eyebrows

uff a 10/10 solid

Huge femme fatale feelz

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Where does the face begin?

It’s a reward of an archievement from Emerald Dream.

It’s called “Treasures of the Emerald Dream” if i’m not wrong

10/10 very nature.

Wish Blizz would let us do something about weapons that have their own glow effects.

The scourge tabard and purple weapon enchants feel slightly out of place for a set that is otherwise very heavy-iron/industrial, but it doesn’t look bad.

I haven’t ever seen those shoulders used, so bonus points.


that is super creepy. the helmet with spiked eyes is yikes. but its well coordinated 10/10

this is my creepy one, not nearly as scary as yours. it supposed to look old

9/10 robes feel a little off compared to the rest.

Feel free to rate either this Paladin here.

Or my Eredar Paladin here.