Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Great color combo, and not overdone with cluttering detail.
The balance of everything hit me immediately, thus warranting … 10/10.

Next rater: this is a simpler version of my standard mog. No Mantle of Burnished Blades, and I’m using one of the smallest fist weapons in the game. As I mentioned in another thread, sometimes I like having my DH look more like a monk, given that (head canon) she was befriended and trained by a Windwalker (my first main), to help her find inner peace.

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I think you need some purple in the bottom portion 8.5/10

Here’s my “frost” mage… bwhahahaha


lol arcane here


I’m not a fan of yellow, but you make it work and it looks very nice on you! 9/10 c:

Please rate this one, thank you!

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Your hat doesnt match but you look like you are going to be exploring some tombs.

Dark and intimidating like their namesake. Weapons are fitting as well. 10/10

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oh that blue gem on your hat just musses up the color theme. its good set tho. 9/10

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wow 10/10 colorful

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I c wut u did thar!!!

9.5/10 seems like it’s missing a little more baby blue and a couple of weapon illusions

This isn’t my best mog, but I was a little bored…

There is a mix of textures and resolutions that don’t exactly go together, but, I like the overall idea. Golden nature belf hunter is cool. 8.5/10

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Ooo very spooky and perfect for a lock. I love this! 10/10

Please rate this character, thank you~

i like the belt and tabard. and seperately i like the pants and bracers. and separately i like the hair and bottom of boots. its like 3 themes, each going in diff directions. and the faery wings lol adore the wings but they dont match anything. hehe.

excuse my full set minus helm, but omg i finally got the moonlit set. you can see it here

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It’s a very nice set. It’s a precon so I don’t know how I can rate it. It looks good though and congrats on unlocking it.

I think I need like 6 more months to get mine, lol.

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Looks great and spooky.

Holy dookers though, my armory finally updated after nearly three weeks. :sob:

I’m going for an Imperial Inquisitor inspired look from Warhammer 40,000 with this one. Maybe with some Adeptas Sororitas.


I really like it! Definitive 40k vibes. Reminds me of the Sisters of Battle.


10/10 overall

For some reason i see a “necromantic voodoo troll” on your set lol

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9/10, the helm clashes a bit with the rest of it.

Ah, Thanks!

it’s a new helm that I forgot to update in the mog, it was supposed to be the antlers from the Emerald Dream Archive, lol.
Should be fixed by now.

I liked your mog too, the fur matches the armor colors. A trully tauren Paladin 10/10

egads, just beautiful 11/10

9/10: choose a different chest piece.

But I think I win today.

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