Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

pretty! 10/10


Bird helm and my favorite shoulders very druid

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8/10 too many colors at once, just seems too busy.

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9/10 looks pretty good. Very paladiny.

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I decided to change things up and go for a kind of Wildhammer Whaler look.

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Hard to get a good bead on your mog, since your features and weapon are bugging out in the armory.

Looks good from what I can see, though.


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9/10, I love how primal it looks.

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Nice gravedigger mog. I like it. Might want to change the boots to match better, and I think it would look better without shoulders at all, but really good, otherwise.


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I think it’s a tiny bit inconsistent but the theme and color work pretty well together overall. 8.5 /10

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beautiful 10/10


Oh, now that’s actually really nice. I especially like how the staff matches your hair. I think maybe you could change the shoes to something else, but overall, I like it alot.


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it fits the whole aesthetic of a monk. i was prepared not to like it, but i do like the color selection


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Simple, shadowy, even elegant. 9.5/10.

I’d’ve given a 10, but I feel there should be some small highlight of yellow somewhere (maybe the eyes?).

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Just not a huge fan of how your colors all look together.

9/10 Love the aesthetic and the vibe–and the Nathria plate set is my favorite of all time!

Shoulders are a bit off though, imo. Not sure what I’d put there instead but they kinda stick out to me.

Rate my Mag’har!


Not bad at all. Doesn’t feel super-inspired, but everything works just fine.


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They’re back ups; I can’t get the Tuskar ones yet since I don’t have enough rep with them and didn’t find something else I liked. Was going for a whaler vibe.

Skip me and rate Gon.

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lovely. teal and aqua are 2 of my fav colors. 10/10

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i think the shoulders are nice and tie to the chestpiece. 10/10

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10/10 very simple yet it works.

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