Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Even though it’s a set, still going to give it an 8/10.

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Same to you. Set, I think? Or a mix. Either way 8/10. Nice Swords.

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That’s actually a really neat mog. The old vanilla pieces don’t match SUPER well with the modern stuff you’ve got, but you’re making it work.


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I think this fits a troll pretty damn well. I like the colors you went with too.

Good job. 10/10

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Pretty. i like the gentle colors. 10/10

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I like the idea of what you’re going for, but it isn’t quite working. Matching the teal of your eyes to your belt and weapon is a neat idea, but I think you’d need to get your shoulders and maybe boots in on it to make it work. And while the brown undercolor is almost working, too many of the pieces don’t really match.

6.5/10, but keep working on it. There’s something there, I can feel it.

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The mog itself is 10/10, the colors are great and the pieces match really well. The only issue is it doesnt fit with the worgen or druid of the character, it looks like a cloth set for a mage or priest honestly.


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8/10, seems a little busy, plus looks like mostly a set minus the helm.


The color scheme is cool and I feel like the feathery shoulders work well for a tauren. It could use something to make it pop, though I think. 9.5/10.


The weapon is not working for me for some reason (too bright?), but that aside, decent color combo and coordination (also, not really a fan of Undead aesthetics, so my biases are showing here). 7.5/10.

Next rater: recently added the Mantle of Crimson Blades. I always liked this piece. (Currently working my way thru the Venthyr Covenant, and finding that Shadowlands is more fun now than when it was in session. I’m more/less done with Dragonflight, as the only thing I really want are 263 trinkets via open world, and that doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen).


I love the red, purple, and green youve got going, they actually blend really well. The blue weapons dont fit though, they could use a color change. 9/10

I love that look Bethyl, very dangerous. I could definitely see you as a BE mage raised to undead and embracing the fell in your new forsaken life. 10/10

And thank you Olanida, looks like a set means i put it together perfectly. I agree with Bethyl though, it needs something. Maybe a belt to pull it together. 9/10


So, that’s a neat take on a hunter. Thought you were a unique-looking shaman at first, but no, you’re just an even-more-unique hunter. My only note would be that the shoulders don’t quite match. But really cool, otherwise.


Also, you rated my other druid recently, Silverbolt. Just wanted to note that he’s a balance druid, which deals damage with the moon, sun, and stars, so I thought the constellation theme was appropriate. And I can’t think of something more fitting for a werewolf than a moon-themed transmog. Just to respond to your critique about how the mog looked good, but didn’t fit the theme.

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9/10 very dark, which can work for a druid in certain circumstances.

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You added a belt and its amazing!


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So there’s ALOT going on with that mog. I don’t think it’s terrible or anything, it’s just very busy. I think if you just lost the shoulders and hid them all together, that would improve the look you’ve got there considerably.


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10/10. I like the Elemental warrior look you’ve made.

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A bit cliche. But main points off for no visual enchantment on main hand. And the beard kinda looks weird. Only because the way the mask hides your face, the clasp looks like a mouth of a mustache/beard combo. But still only minimal points off for these.

Thank you. Purposefully went for the basic rifle look for this. :slight_smile:

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Honestly I have to give a 10/10. I’ve always loved the Explorer set and thought of it as a hunter set.

The simple rifle fits really well too.


i thought the skull was your helmet, then i saw it was only the top.
you should be making bosses soil their pants



you lose 3 points for being Walmart/Wish Blood Elf at home :+1:t5:
‘of the Nightfall’ with that xmog gives you a point.