ohh the new hat. snazzy. 10/10
A cohesive and nice look - 9/10
i like how you mixed the purple and fire accents, subtle. 10/10
Very elegant. 10/10
pretty high elf 10/10
Nice look but the difference in gold from your belt and everything else is noticeable. I don’t think everything has to be exact by any means, however, I do think you could find a better fitting/cohesive belt.
Very striking. I would give it a 10/10, but for some reason the violet and yellow-orange highlights are not complementing one another like I feel they could. But this aside, even the bare feet lend an aura of formidability and menace. Very striking indeed.
9/10 (integers only)
9/10! Very sleek! Love the purple, green, and black. Just wish that shirt didn’t have that red bit at the waist. Ran into that same issue with that shirt myself.
8/10 even though it’s mostly a set, still fits a Druid.
You look amazing and the weapon matches perfectly 10/10
A good mix of different pieces that go well together and fit nicely for a Warlock. 9/10
Very simple, I love the bald look and the thought of a frosty wielding blazing weapons is something I quite like.
Overall, 10/10 for my tastes.
Well, you were going for a very particular look, and you definitely nailed that look.
9/10, very primal.
definitely has the warrior vibe happening 9/10
Ok, the pose and angle of the camera on your armory profile makes you look like the most sullen magical girl. Like a 90s valley girl who doesn’t want to be at the con anymore because every other blonde chick is in the same Sailor Scout Cosplay and everyone is paying more attention to the big boobed beotch in the slutty Witchblade getup…
I love it. 10/10
IMHO, this could benefit from a little more … glitz? And also, seems by contrast with the gown, too butterfacey.
Next rater: this is a mog that is vastly different from my default. Just curious as to how it might go over.
EDIT: I may have returned to my default mog (with black/red vest) since the rating.
Helm and weapons are quite bright in comparison to the rest of the mog, 8/10.
thats so tbc, my fav expac. they need to update tbc and vanilla textures so the robe meshes with the belt. looks cool tho. 9.9/10
Very nice. Simple, but effective. Some of the pieces don’t 100% fit together, but I like what you’re going for.