Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Seph - 8/10 at least!

Great look and the hint of green really screams classic blood elf to me.

Also digging the flame motif too!

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9/10 scarlet crusade mog.



Once again!

9/10, if you were a Dark Iron Dwarf, would easily be a 10/10.

Hard to see much character behind this set other than green hunter.

The bronze-ish shoulder highlights don’t match with the rest of the set pieces Grey-silver highlights.

But most of the pieces look pretty good together, and I have definitely seen/done worse.


For mine these are the best matching shoulders available without using the cringe Firelands paladin shoulders lol.

Im going to have to say 6.5/10

Youre a deathknight dressed as a caster. And the trident doesnt go with either. I can see a battle mage look, but it just doesn’t work even there with the trident.

For mine, I mixed the Excavator’s and Historian’s sets, used different boots and a more normal looking rifle. Considering a pimpin/stylin hat instead of the Archivist

love the leather leggings. whole set is nice 10/10

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Like the theme, but not sure about the bright colors on a Warlock, 9/10.

The color green, personified into a sentient being.

I kinda like it though. 7.5/10

I think the shoulders make it look like a bit too much. Like the size of them are swallowing him. I do like your mixing of gold and silver though.


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i like it because i have that armor in red


Looking like the everyday Joe who just happens to be a Worgen. 9/10

you look like a dwarf NPC. 10/10

WW3 Dwarf Rifleman to be precised. Don’t rate me rate Kainah.

Love the mog 9/10 the bags on the belt are a nice touch very nice!

8/10, really like it. It’s like some sort of warlock that rose directly out of the earth.

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Really appreciate it thx, got a green version and red too

Spooky/10, i always loved that Sha set from MoP! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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cool. love the color contrasts 10/10

10/10. Love the look