Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

this maybe?

armory not showing my weapon mog correctly. this is it


Amazing, just change the staff.

your profile is hidden and do you mean this staff
armory not showing my weapon mog correctly. this is it

or the one in armory?

Not bad. Thank you.

Well, the staff you were using was pretty good too. I think your mog is on point. Captures the essence of a KT mage perfectly.


:scream: How dare you. I’m obviously Dragonmaw (points to tabard)

(J/k ty for the rating)

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10/10 Blackrock mog!

Hopefully armory shows the right mog. Avatar isn’t updating.

thats cute, simply. 10/10

i like it, especially the belt. 10/10

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It’s a bit bland. Nothing is wrong with it exactly, but nothing really pops. 6/10

edit: for some reasen won’t update so imagine the nightborne belt

Great color scheme. A little too busy detail-wise for my tastes, but wonderful colors.

Simplistic but pretty decent, you could you shoulderpads my friend :+1:

10/10 very blue.

Anyone know of any good 2h katana style swords that would fit this mog better, please leave suggestions.

Still a 10/10

I do feel like you could do a little more embellishment on your weapons though. If not something too outlandish, maybe blades that are more thick? Or axes even?

well done 9/10

I love it, it’s both elegant and barbaric in a way that I think works nicely. 9/10

I want my warlock to look a little unhinged and like maybe she has abominations in her basement :sweat_smile:

I am always partial to simpler mogs. I’m just wondering if your weapon could’ve used a touch of yellow-orange, like fire (especially being a Destrolock), for some color contrast.


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I like the additions you added. Still not crazy about your weapons though.


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Nice cohesive theme, and the helmet sells the fire DK vibe. 8.5/10 :slight_smile:

Smooth transition from piece to piece, love the color scheme… some parts a tiny bit clunky but overalll, 9.5/10 :slight_smile:

I like the simplicity of it, looks like a legit hunter that can actually camouflage themselves in the woods, 9/10

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Not bad at all. I really like those goggles with the Antorus set.


Please take into account that I’m actually a red space-goat, for some reason, the armory refuses to update with my new hue.

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