Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Nice colors, well coordinated. Maybe a tad too detail-heavy for my tastes. Nonetheless…

hey! how cool is that! is the mace on the trading post? i only saw the shield. 10/10

such a difficult spread of colors to mog for. 9.9/10


Very sleak 9.4/10

(This is Satilla)

Yes and I was confused at first too but then I noticed all the way to the right of the screen there’s an arrow that lets you scroll through the appearances (shield, 1h mace, 2h mace.)

Terrifying. 10/10

Oops I forgot.

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Your profile is hidden.

Edit: 9/10

Very well matched.


I can dig this blacksmith look you’ve got going on.

I decided to change my look up. There’s about 3 other sets I’m working on, but the RNG gods haven’t blessed me yet on drops for them.

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Decently matches. Good silver trim w/ dark colors and blue gems. The high res vs low res pieces kinda weird but it looks voidey for a Spriest.


well will ya look at that! you, a blood elf, have grown void like tentacles. hehe. looks creepy cool but staff needs to be candles. like this one from naxx

p.s. the new priest staff from trading post is too bright gold. not sure theres anything to mog with it. you can see it on my mog, to witness what i mean

8/10 on the posted transmog, but i like your profile mog better :slight_smile:

oh ingenious use of the new helm! its perfect. 10/10
the picture is not me, just an example of a staff with candles i was showing to ithost, cause hes wearing the new trading post 3-piece helm, shoulders, belt, for priests and the shoulders have candles.

i expect to see someone mog the red candle hat with those shoulders.

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wtf is that staff that looks dope and has white candles :open_mouth:

You look like a disciple of Cthulu and an adherant of Megatron did the fusion dance & became what you currently are. :yum:

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i cant see aussielight’s profile so im rating ithost

ithost i like your look, you look like some sort of bronze dragonflight adherent

Like the theme, but the number of colors make it feel a bit busy. 8/10.

Nagorgs look is straight outta draenor, I could see you being some sort of merc bounty hunter 10/10

so sir zeliek, gluth, baron rivendare, lady blaumeux and thane, from wotlk naxxaramas normal 10 player mode. seems gluth has best drop rate

nice, except the belt, which doesnt really match anything else. i know i have room to talk with my everything blue but t-shirt, but believe it or not, i’m fully mogged and the armory is not showing it cause they are pieces from the new store mog and apparently arent in armory database yet. 9/10

simple and elegeant but a little too unambitious for my taste. not really a fan of empty shoulders


they are there but you cant see them yet due to them being from the new store mog and its apparently not in database. at least they got the trading post mogs in database

didya see

my mog looks like this

ahh yeah belt shoulder and crown really make it, ill bump it up to a 9/10

looking at mine i also notice my belt is not showing up but the helmet and shoulders are

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