Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

i think you look amazing! so heroic!

so far, only 2 hander mace with lighter gold + red. drops in legion zones. invasion bosses. low drop rate.


Simple but effective. 8/10

Basic, but fine.

That said, mages don’t have much to work with (IMHO), so I’ll give it a… 7!

eeek beautiful! 10/10

skip me, rate Rastakan

I’ll get us back in order.

I like how you’re bringing back the classic stuff in a simple way. 8/10

Now THIS guy’s got the voodoo going on.

I actually don’t see as many trolls going for a voodoo theming as you’d think, this is a treat. And well put-together, too.


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9/10, everything except the feet flow well.


Your transmog looks like an updated take on the Blind Blademasters from MoP, Siege of Orgrimmar! Its awesome! I love the energy!

10/10 Very dark and sinister looking.

Oooo haven’t seen a lot of worgen monk. Your eyes aloen stand out. Really like your look but not sure how I feel about a windwalker in robes… 9/10.

Very bright, fits a priest, 10/10.

Oh how I admire minimalist mogs.
Especially coordinated ones.


See what you were doing, but not my cup of tea.

Should I change to a purple and black outfit? Or maybe something based off those soul eating pieces from Blackrock Foundry?

Kinda depends on the effect you’re going for. Purple and black would look pretty good. I like the red and black look myself. 9/10.

That hoplite look is fire. Itd be 10/10 however the sword needs either less glowy or more blade. 9/10 for damn near perfect. Great job.

I like it. Cool horde theme and really intense but maybe just a touch too busy if I had to nitpick. 9.5/10

I love that Halo piece. But the overall look struck me as more … cluttered than sparkly magical.

Snazzy. You are the poster child for why demon hunters need glowy purple eyes. 10/10

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I don’t like your weapon choice but other than that, this is a really good mog. 9.5/10

too many bones and markings, 5/10

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