Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Eh, 6/10. I’m not a fan of the older models, and there’s some mismatching going on there besides.

What mismatch is going on Keldar if you don’t mind me asking? (Skip me BTW)

I opened this up on my phone to see if my vision was playing tricks on me. I have a filter on my monitor that was making certain pieces look green. I’ll bump it up to a 7/10. It matches, but it’s still older models without a striking identity to it.

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9/10 looks beefcake on the orc!

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9/10 for you! Love what you did with the older models.

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Not quite fan of the helmet, 6/10.

Cannot post from EU chars, so I will link my fav one.

Nice balance of color and detail. Definitely passes the “I could see this as a superhero / supervillain in a comic” test.

8.5/10 … because I don’t like bare feet, and the green in the weapon seems out of place with the rest of the color scheme.

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Very minimalist by design, but it works 9/10.

changed my weapons to hopefully fit better with my concept


Thank you for your rate, the reasoning behind my choice to be barefoot, is to feel as authentic Nightborne as possible. (Nightborne do not wear boots covering their feet)

As there are no boots that match the boots of the Nightborne NPCs, I used those trousers to give the feeling of the boots shown below.


As for the weapon, also known as the Javelin of Suramar, I used it due to the blood ray effect it has to match the back pieces. :sweat_smile:

Please ignore me and rate Tyinidar, I just wanted to clarify couple of things. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I really like your look. Weapons are a nice touch. 10/10

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9/10 - really digging the reaper look, combined with just enough “Blood Elf Heritage” type colors to look lore friendly.

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Diggin the Lance Corporal Berrison vibe.

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I tried clicking on your profile and I got an error message so I went to the WoW armory website and tried manually typing in your name.

Exïst - Character (worldofwarcraft.com)
If this is your transmog, then 6.5/10, it’s all over the place and nothing really matches or goes well together.

I love the theme here. While the belt is the correct colors the skull kind of seems to go against the celestial theme you have going. But its not enough to hurt the score much. 9.5/10

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It is a set, but you are still leveling this toon and it is a set I always wanted to try and work with as a leather character.

7/10 for me, it isn’t bad, just not seeing something that’s really standing out.

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8/10 the brown on the belt is annoying me but otherwise looks good.

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Outside of the hammer, 9/10

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@Jade solid 9/10 for me. Would very well be a perfect 10, but I don’t buy that race as being threatening to anything really.


Solid 10/10.

You made a Hunter that actually looks amazing!

I felt inspired to use Blanchy as a mount, so threw this new mog together pretty quick. Getting the shoulders to drop from WoD Heroic dungeons was a major PITA though.