Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

10/10 though I’m honestly not sure what I’m looking at. You look like if Trinity from the Matrix had an armored 90s action figure.

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8/10 I like the whole pirate captin Bilz thing you’re going with.

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5/10 really basic, but it’s not terrible.

Rate this sexy mog💪

Not bad, not bad. It’s half of a complete set but I like the off pieces you’re using. I think the swords don’t match thematically. I would find something more… savage? Rugged? They’re elven swords so it just looks odd with your orc, skulls-and-bones look you have going on.


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Odd, in game the swords are best color wise that match. There are a couple other weaps that look ok, but come off as either too blue or too green. Anyways thnx for the rating :relaxed:

Edit: next person rank Franca

Edit: I looked up Taner’s Terrible Spine, and unfortunately it’s a 1 hander :confused:

The colors do match, I don’t think they match thematically. They’re too clean and “elven.” I think weapons that are more rugged and undead would work better. Something like Taner’s Terrible Spine. I’m on my Hunter so I can’t tell if the colors would match exactly but the style is what you need.

Np :+1:

Outside the weapons, which I’m sure change colors, 9.5/10, and a bonus point for female Tauren, one of the Hordes two best females.

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I’d say 7 to 8/10. Closer to 8 if you changed your hair so it didn’t clash as much.

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7/10 - like the colors and spikes on boots + spikes on shoulders

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I love your look, reminds me of an Man’ari. Also rocking that bald look with style. :sunglasses:

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Still love your look.

Skip me and rate Zohun!

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Lol, Zohun does look pretty dope - 9.5/10.

I like your look too, very special agent looking. 8.5/10.

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10/10! love how many deep rich colors.

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oopsie wrong char. skip lilock. rate hyperspeed

8/10 for matching :slight_smile: I love the hairstyle- also maybe if a more vibrant hair color with that style would it fit better.

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@Kolska, love the hunter set, everything matches so perfectly, and I can see that you have some Zereth Mortis pieces in there as well. 9.0/10

@Candikorn, how does my new tabard look? is the old one better or this one?

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@ Zohun the look of white and gold is good for a Lightforged.

Love your look. Especially the staff. Good job. 10/10

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I like it, 10/10

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It’s certainly on point for a paladin, but it does look a little generic with the gold and the light.
But then, maybe generic gold/light is on point for a paladin.


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