Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Only doing this to Armina cause Candikorn has been posting over 100 times in this post. Very nice use of the Blue and gold mix from various pieces matching the collectors set items and the various other pieces so its not just using 1 set. 9/10

0/10 for attitude.


Actually, -5/10 for coming in here on an alt to keep trash talking.

9/10. Love the shoulders. Look like a crazy alchemist.

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Candi you dont need to be told your xmog is good or bad over 100 times. Good lord don’t take it personaly if someone skips you cause you have been rated over 100 times already.

Oh and you get a -2/10 for being a jerk to someone for no reason.

And you don’t need to come in here and troll just because you have an issue that I’m posting in my own thread. :smiley:

There’s literally no issue with people wanting to get more than one rate anyways or even rating more than one person.

You’re arguing in bad faith, but I just changed my transmog recently anyways.


10/10; I love how wacky it is.

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No one cares. You were skipped cause you were just voted on a few posts earlier that is no reason for you to be a jerk to the Death Knight. You have been skipped before. People like to see new people and new xmogs.

I get it.

It’s Sunday, you’re bored.

Go find a nice bait thread to chat in.

Just telling you the truth. People skip you all the time and your petty about it. At least the childish looking gnome explains something to your personality. But whatever and if you want an honest opinion of that look 3/10 the brown on the shoulders only matches your belt. The weapon and the robes match but not having any brown in them puts the look off. And personally Ive never liked the glasses. Sorry but you really need to grow up. You dont have to be the center of attention in a thread about Xmog rather you made it or not.

You done getting your knickers all twisted and disrupting the thread or should I start making tea?

I mean your the one crying over getting skipped.

So, yes, I should start making tea.

Do you prefer oolong or earl grey?

Ahhhh the gnome child is mad. Kind of cute when your mad. Look I came in on an alt to get her xmog looked at. You have over 178 posts in this thread and you get angry any time someone skips you even if you were just voted on. Its rather childish. Now rather than discuss it, you think your cute and will trash talk someone who simply pointed out the truth that not everyone wants to rank you over and over again. Just grow up and let people show off the Xmogs they come up with.

Earl Grey then.

We really should have some snacks to go with our tea though. I believe I have some cookies or small finger cakes.

Oh, but I’m sorry, you are a worgen. Would some doggy biscuits might be more to your liking? I don’t know if I still have some lying around, so I might need to step out to pick them up.

Im going to block you. Children like you shouldn’t be posting on a mature forum. But keep proving you are a little cry baby by trying to insult someone you dont even know. I would say Cya later but I dont get a notice about blocked users.

So, yes, you would prefer the doggy biscuits. I’m nothing, if not accommodating to company when they come to visit. Is there a specific brand or flavor you prefer, because I will have to step out.

Or will any old thing do?

Anyway sorry about that let see who was last? Oh Warloff. So heres my issue. I get the idea is some sort of Engineer and that stuff with a commoners outfit works. The issue I have is the belt color not matching the legs. Also are the gloves supposed to look like they are some sort of Rubber? The over all effect and combined look is solid. 7/10 But the color clash hurts it just a bit.

I thought you were leaving dear heart.

So glad you’re staying.


I like what you got going, kinda reminds me of a gnome with alchemy.

My guy:

Once the famous chef of the Scarlet Crusade, ready to purge the lands of the dead. However it all changed when the heroes of azeroth farmed his people. Depressed he ate his own cooking so much he is mistaken for a Kultiran.

But he never forgot what they did to his people and he will never forgive.

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Not bad looking, 9/10.

Figure I do a more traditional zandalari warrior risen as a DK.

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A solid look but there is a small issue of your weapons. They don’t really match the rest of the look. Maybe something with a gold hilt would help the look of the weapons. Still a nice set for the theme so 8.5/10