Wrong character first post.
Looks good. 7/10
Wrong character first post.
Looks good. 7/10
Interesting choice but the double fish is a win
7/10. I like how you matched the fist weapons with their respective shoulders.
7.5 / 10 - Not super crazy about it. It doesn’t quite scream wizard / more like a warrior class.
I don’t like your look but I respect that fact it’s different and every thing matches pretty well.
My shoulders and belt are part of a Warlock set but I’m not sure if I look too “magey”.
Dark evil warlock, +1 for female Orc for a 9.5/10.
Ulicia, your choice is pretty good though the gloves and hood don’t match. They match in color but not theme, if that makes sense. I also usually lower a persons score if they use multiple parts from the same set, but Kelast has already given you an almost perfect score.
As for Kelast, eh… 5/10. A prefab with a few fillers isn’t a transmog even if you don’t look bad, but most prefabs don’t look bad.
No that makes sense. I wasn’t 100% on the hood and I’ll probably just go without. I wasn’t too sure on the gloves either but not because they didn’t match. I thought they matched too well and it was just too much purple.
Thank you for your feedback.
Please skip me and rate Kittredge.
No, it’s fine. I’ve run into the same problem where I have an item that matches but then I keep looking at it and the design won’t fit. Color wise it looks good like I said.
NOOOO! Don’t rate me, my pants weren’t transmoged. Tovi you’re mean!
Oh and to be fair I have the same issue with this set, if you look at my gloves compared to the rest of my set they’re torn up while everything else is pristine.
I like the helm. Red oni look. 8/10
Looks good, but then it is mostly a set.
Sorry, been trying to not post unless I need a bump, but little bummed out. I’ve tried to make three different new transmog sets and haven’t found one I like more than this one so far.
Might just try to get the Gladiator tier and wear that for a bit…
8/10 - LOVE the candle! at first I thought of Santa’s wife!! lol, but the eye color choice was a stroke of creativity!
I don’t run high dungeons or places that drop gear so I have to make the best of regular world drops. I like going to the AH on some Saturday mornings - like going to a Flea Market - or the back of Macy’s ‘on sale’ rack and look for deals on gear. This expansion has been pitiful. lol
You made what you had work.
I threw together a new look and even got the Cartel disc in under 10 runs to go with it!
I love the theme, and also gnomes for life!
Very gnomy, I wish Blizz would fix the gnome forum avatars though.
I know it’s bad, no worries. This as pink as I’m going to get and it was meant to be silly with the bunny ears.
This just the holiday event, just curious what someone would think, lol.
If you wanted to be rated as you are at the time of this post, with the dress, I can’t give it high marks because of the incongruity of the pieces. I’d have said something like a 1 or 2/10 because, whereas they do not look bad in and of themselves, they don’t fit together at all. I’d love to see what you’re capable of outside of the holiday-specific stuff. Pandas in plate tend to look fantastic.
Looks pretty good. I dig the glasses. 7.5/10
Made of couple of changes
Very Void-y, looks pretty good. I like the extra addition of purple hair. 8.5/10
Wooo I like this look. It’s very troll. 10/10
I really like how you incorporated the collector’s edition transmog pieces into that look.