Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Cool eagle shoulder pads 8.5/10

I was going for one of those Dragon Ball Z God characters.

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so dramatic! where’s your shoes? 9.9/10

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10/10. It is a really good mog, and it actually does go very well all together

And here who ever goes that doesn’t like searching the Armory for me


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Big fan! Love how sleek it is and how your colors match. Gives me classic warlock vibes. I’d love to see something up top, perhaps a circlet or something. 9.5/10


10/10 very Witcher looking


Very fiery, bonus point for female Orc, 9/10.

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9/10 awesome

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I think you look very scary. Like a demon boss you would see in a raid. 10/10

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Very nice mog, also bonus points for being a big strong Tauren lady showing off some of her amazing physique, 11/10, plus a swoon.


love the long hair :white_check_mark:,
love the eye-patch :white_check_mark:,
love the green eyes :white_check_mark:,
love the armor :white_check_mark:.
Sexy blood elf :white_check_mark:

Only thing is I don’t like like those daggers, not enough damage. The blade has to be pointy sharp and not flat.


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I love your look so much.


Love your look as well

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Ditch the shoulders and it’s a solid 9/10.

IMO, she has a nimble, athletic look that’s being weighed down (visually) by the shoulder gear.

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sorry man something about high detail flat armor textures that just rubs me wrong 4/10


Good armor, but it would fit you more if you were a Death Knight.

Whoever rates me next, just know that my low-res armor is intentional, it’s my attempt at making a Warcraft 3 Paladin transmog.

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It’s mostly a set, but I’m going to give you 10/10 for having pants that technically don’t exist in-game.

I’m sorry Ms. Korn but your profile is error 500’ing.

Um… I like your hair!

Here’s ya go:

And I like your pirate look. Good job. 9/10

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Thank you Tovi. I like it; she’s like a blood gnome. The white gloves are a bit out of place with the rest of the red, so I’ll give it a solid 8/10.

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