Very sexy mog 10/10
8/10 it’s not a bad looking set.
8/10, well done, just not sure how I feel about it on a Warlock. Though I do like when female Orc or Tauren show off their powerful physiques.
I think you look very dashing. The combination of two sets works really well. 10/10
I really like that. Hard to work with those colors but you did it pretty well. Solid 9/10.
Nice Fel glow, really fitting for a lock. 10/10
Aww cute little puppy, if that transmog was on any other race then I probably wouldn’t have liked it. But, it suits you very well. I love the one shoulder look and the weapons. 8.7 / 10.0
Very bright and yellow, Fits the lightforged theme, belts a bit weird though… Pretty fancy! 7/10 !
I don’t get the combo of the two themes. You’re wearing the hat and shoulders from MoP and the old Cindercloth pieces. They don’t really match with each other, even with the addition of the shirt. Also, I think you forgot to mog your gloves.
10/10. Just an awesome combination of Shaman gear that makes me think of the snowy parts of Highmountain and the Taunka of frozen Northrend. All with a dash of Horde pride.
9.5/10, all fits well, only thing that seems a touch out of place is the weapon.
It’s a setmog with three different pieces. That said, the added pieces do blend well.
Still, it’s only a 6/10 from me.
Sexy and sleek. I would want more protection on the chest, but she is fine, anyway, I give is 8/10.
snazzy. hat is wrong shade of red tho. 9/10
10/10 spent some real time on it, it looks amazingly holy.
Absolutely love it.
as for chris
It All fits so perfectly.
Now, for me, I’ve had this outfit rated too much and would like my mog below be rated
bell bottoms and hippie sunglasses! haha. its great. 10/10