Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Your mog is trying but seems to be struggling. Might change the helmet (helm is workable, chest’s jewel is way off-color) and chest, maybe new gloves and staff too. Try to match the tier gem’s color like your helm eyes do. Staff is too off-color (close to right but falls shot) The idea is solid. It’s a potential 10/10, but I’d say 5.5/10 as it was at the time of my post here. Don’t give up. You’re onto something brilliant.

You look awesome. Very “For the Horde!” and I love it. 10/10


It matches your face paint well. I like it. 10/10.

This character’s mog is trying to mesh with the Dawnforge Ram:

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I’ll go 6/10. It would look great at a distance, but once you get a little closer, much of it starts to clash. The demonic belt buckle, particularly, doesn’t mesh well.

Since you made the gif, I had to take a peek at your mog. I think it would look 100x better without that belt and agree with Keldar’s rating.

Love it. You look fantastic. Good job, dude. 11/10

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looks great 9/10 only reason not a 10 because I think the shoulders are just a bit off but still looks amazing.

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Amazing, you look like Alien and it really resembles a Draenai quite well since they are ofc Aliens, hehe. I rate your mog 9/10, everything matches so well.


9/10! Love the colors and unique ideas. I would probably change the pants if it were my character.

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very farstrider huntress looking 7/10 +1 for how it would look with as a dark ranger so 8/10


Conflicted. I’m liking the concept, but the chest feels a tiny bit off and I feel the weapons should be darker colors. Swap the weapons to something not white, and I think it be really good. 8/10



Mate that’s a real good lookin mog you got there. Kinda reminds me of batman if he dabbled a bit in blood magic lol. Very nice set.

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6/10. I want to rate you higher, it’s a good frost mage look, but it is a set and I feel I have to knock off points for that.


Im thinking in create a warlock alt. Very nice armors… yours is really nice.
IDK why blizzard dont create tier sets inspired in races instead of expansion thematic

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I like the dark pally theme you have going. Lose 1 point for it being a lot of 1 set though



9/10, kind of makes think of a Dark Ranger sort of, aside from the glasses, not sure why.

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@Denarios. 10/10
I love a good eyepatch. and your boots have blades on them, what’s not to love.

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Amazing mog. Good job. 10/10


Thank you very much, I changed the chest piece, along with the staff and gloves, both of which I recently obtained. Do you think it is beginning to look better now?

And that is awesome. Minimum 9/10 for sure

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Thank you.