Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Due to the last two being just replies 9.5/10. That look really meshes together well and the fel Tauren look is rather unique. Well done.

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8.2/10, I like it. Reminds me of a classic worgen hunter (If worgens were in classic vanilla), everything matches pretty well.

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I like that you really went in on the arcane mage bit. You look old and wise and I would not want to be on your bad side. Nice look!

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10/10 best I’ve ever seen.


9/10. It’s a great look. I just think some boots would really finish it.

New thing today. I got lucky yesterday with Illidari shoulderpads but damn, helms seem to be hard to match it with.

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9.5/10, very well done.

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9/10 I like the orange green mix; usually doesn’t work well I find but you pull it off! Shoulders look really big though — the curse of male NEs.

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I really like the Zatoichi look you went for.

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We all know what I think of the cute little gnome above still gets a 10/10 :stuck_out_tongue: I will also rate above you Neralya 9/10 digging the whole “wounded warrior” (yes i know you are a dk) look. very cool.

I changed up my mog, again because you know I change my mog like I change my socks LOL also provided an ingame photo so use profile picture or photo below for your judging needs!

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that is very snazzy. 10/10 for artistry.

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Gonna provide a double-rate:

Saòirsè: 9/10. I feel like something more 3D on your boots will bring balance to your set. Maybe it’s my smooth brain liking patterns. Other than that, it’s awesome monk mog. My sympathies for being a mogaholic.

Sapphre: 10/10. I admit, I tend to prefer robes on casters, but I think I can see what the mog is trying to do and it does it well. The only thing I could say is maybe an alternative reddish tabard could match better, but other than that it’s a solid mog.

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Hmm, 5/10. I generally don’t mind a setbash combining 2-3 different sets, but the colours and resolutions are way off. It clashes with itself. The general vibe is good, but the execution could use some work.

6/10. 3 points deducted for being kinda scary and giving me Gul’dan vibes even tho not Warlock, and one point deducted for looking nothing like Garrosh.

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6/10 for Garrosh. -4 for not being the clearly superior Grommash.

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I like it but I thought you were a pally at first. The staff doesnt match the set.


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that is so clean! 10/10


I actually looked at the mog a second time just to recheck it and actually, you got a nice theme going on and actually, the colors go well together. Pretty nice! 8/10

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Simple, but I enjoy it.

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Ill give it a 9/10

Looks like you toke a mix of red items and matched them pretty well I even like the red candle on your head. lol

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i rate it
:pie: + :pie: + :pie: / 10

cause it feels like a blood elf DK dark / red / brooding

not a perfect 10 cause horde!