Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

6/10. With so little to work with, the weapon really needs to pop and compliment the rest of the look… but it’s just a generic glowing sword.

You look like Malfurian had a baby with Illidan or your their third little brother who wanted to be jsut as cool as both of them and you couldn’t pick who, and it’s super strange.
(druid of the fel?)

8/10 (cause your a DH that isn’t bare chested showing your glowing tats)



Not bad for a skimpy mog, but the wings don’t exactly match.

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That’s going to be a 10/10 for me on style and pulling it off on a Gnome.

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9/10 You look kind of like a Blood Elf straight out of Shattrath City.


@Garusk 10/10 loving the vibe and colors

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11/10 nice

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Thank you.


9.5/10 - I love the look but the mask maybe looks a bit bulky compared to the rest, that’s the only thing I’d change

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Looking like a mad berserker. 7.5/10

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I’m not a huge fan of this look. It feels messy even though it’s mostly a set. Maybe it looks better in game? 7/10

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7/10. Solid look, but I feel it’s too clean and tidy for a Tauren.

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Fer the blades

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I like the simplicity of it, shoulders would definitely bring it up a notch for me.

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Like the theme, very almost bloodmage IMO, but not sure it fits a Frost mage.


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10/10. You fooled me into thinking it was a one-set before I took a better look. Well done.



Evil furbie

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Simple, but effective 8/10


9/10 looks amazing.

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I really like this one, get yourself a weapon which has a similar contrast to the rest of that armour and you got yourself a winner. 8/10

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