Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

Amazing love :kissing_heart:

Eh, 6/10.

Not quite sure what theme you’re going for. I like the idea of using that particular Druid robe as a base for something unique, but the flashy daggers and low resolution goggles don’t take advantage of the muted murkiness of the chestpiece.

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Sorry, but that headpiece really just throws your look off.

I’ll give you a 8.5/10 Candikorn.

I love the theme. I feel the shoulders are a bit too bulky. Takes away from some of the finer details.

Overall, it made me smile!

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Oh yes. Simple and direct. Reminds me of Super Prince of Persia.
An important thing in moggery is knowing that you do not need ALL THE DETAILS to have just the right details. 12 SNES levels / 10.

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Took Some Tought …9/10

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Tan and bare feet.


9.5/10 just for the skull in the hair

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Good, coordinated color scheme; not overrun with detail.

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4/10. You need to settle on a theme - the base has one vibe, the accessories another. And you might want to consider covering up the eyes entirely as they clash with both.

I’d probably drop the green bits, and go for an overall brown theme, with symmetrical shoulders.

Mostly wondering how ya got each shoulder mogged differently lol, they finally get around to adding that somewhere?

But looks great, definitely fits the whole mag’har vibe, 9/10

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I appreciate the simplicity, the garter belts are the best part, weapon could use some more oompf. 9/10


It does seem a tad generic, but who cares. It looks amazing. Like some kyrian guardian. 10/10.


Like Daddy said, generic, or sets, or stereotypical does not mean bad. For example, A Pimp Named Cashcollecta (you have to say the whole name).
When the Moggery is right, it is just right on, baby!
110% profit / 10


Very simple. But it works. 9/10


Gul’dan would approve.



Very Argus-chic. Jailer would approve. The flower crown is a nice touch.


Unfortunately I just saw this thread as I was on my out to work so I can’t log in to change my weapon… buuut—

I typically would have either The Black Hand or Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros mogged for my weapon.

Also, I guess we still are unable to change the poses on our armory characters? I didn’t see any options in there or any mention when I did a quick google search. :frowning:

your armor mog is a 10/10. Love the green and red combination for a dragon theme … but that weapon … im gonna pretend i never saw that horrible horrible weapon.
