10/10, the full model of your character is amazing, love the black/grey/blue colour scheme.
7.5-8.0/10 I like the pattern and how everything goes together, but having a green-based theme on a shammy just seems odd to me personally. Unless your approach is some type of fel-shaman, I would have tried to go with a more red/orange base. If you are going the dark side then possibly 9/10
Very nice, the purple and green scheme is great. 9/10
your leggings make people think they’re slowly losing their vision.
Very cool mog. It’s unique and interesting. 10/10
I give you an 8/10.
You look like a shadowy assassin! Though this usually adds to it for me, I think your face is just so darn cute it goes against the rest of your vibe you have going on.
Overall, pretty good. I especially like the hood.
9/10 everything is well matched and themed.
I call it my “If squall from final fantasy 8 were a wow toon” look
I mean…
I love it man, everything matches up. Great theme
10/10 love the vibe and look!
1/10, sleeves and shorts is criminal.
9 because it’s Keldar and he looks fabulous
Lost one for being upright.
7/10 not bad , needs a bit of fine tuning like a better weapon mog.
0/10 - profile hidden
10/10, i think it has a modern feel to it,well done.
I like your look but all you did was change the hat to the Everburning Knowledge set. Not very creative. 7/10
The mog looks good, gives off some generally strong pally vibes. I think I’d like a mog on a zandalari that looks a little more primitive. The sword (while still fancy / cool) I feel does that with the bones jutting out near the hilt. The shoulders look much more elegant which goes well with the robes but not so much the sword.
I like it quite a bit outside of my personal preferences however!
Look like a primal Orc tracker, 9/10.
8/10. My kind of Orc.
7.5/10. Good looking set but the green gives me fel vibes
While there is nothing “Original” about your set its still one of my Favorite paladin sets in the game, hell even my warrior wears it at times lol 8/10 As said still one of my favorites just nothing crazy unique about it! and that’s ok!