I’m into it, you look like you’re concocting something in the house of plagues, the green looks great on your purple skin too. 10/10
lol the irony.
I’m into it, you look like you’re concocting something in the house of plagues, the green looks great on your purple skin too. 10/10
lol the irony.
Hey come on dawg, I’m right above you.
lol the irony.
Are you the op that hasn’t changed your mog in 6 years?
Yeah it’s super annoying when you get skipped, ain’t it?
10/10 Good combination of MoP and SL themes.
See, it’s not the thread that I resist, it’s your authoritarianism.
also, change your mog.
I’m not sure if Pæn, Luup, Lidmilla, or someone else is next, but no 'mog left behind! You are all beautiful and get 500 /10!
Love it, those are some of my favourite leather shoulders in the game
I’m not normally into any mog with pre-MoP gear, because I don’t think it aged well, but this is really well done!
9/10! (just because I wish you had shoes)
4 of your pieces are just from the ensemble.
You’re adorably crushing my heart to making me step on you and your transmog.
Outfit matches your name. Though…your response worries me. >.>
You look both cute and adorable but also serious and scholarly. Really love it when people use colors that stand out.
Why thank you. That was definitely the look I was going for. Now you’ve got me looking at my shoulder armor and I gotta agree. lol
You have an odd obsession with this. You accused my Druid of the same thing even though it wasn’t true. Yes, he’s wearing 4 pieces of the Aspiring Aspirant’s Regalia but they’re not the four most visible pieces. The chest is covered with a tabard and the hat is just “ears”, which you can’t see that well since his own ears blend in with it.
The boots and legs are part of the Vestments of the Selfless and shoulders come from Legion.
Paen, I think you look amazing and I would give you 10. Every thing flows together really well.
I really love the grizzled veteran look you have going on but I think the shoulders are off. 8/10
Cry me a river, honestly.
You don’t have to white knight for people in here. You don’t like how someone rates some one? Keep it to yourself and rate them what you feel is a “True” rating next time they come around.
And you don’t have to be nasty either but yet, here we are. I wasn’t being hostile to you, I just think it’s odd that you have this obsession with counting the number of pieces someone has of the same set. The only reason it caught my attention is I’ve seen you do it before.
So, choosing not to keep it to yourself and to continue ragging on someone giving someone else X score for Y reason.
What is this thread becoming I thought it was Rating Xmog LOL
To be fair I did rate the person above me along with my observation. Now let’s look at your mog…
Just kidding. The wings look nice with that set but it doesn’t scream “monk.” 7/10
I like the look there, I just don’t think the lower resolution pieces match very well with the shoulders. It stands out pretty heavily imo. Even some of the newer quest gear or random blue drops is lower resolution than other gear from dungeons/raids etc. Overall I’d say 6/10, not bad at all though.
I wanted to go for a half undead/half still paladin look. Half corrupted and half not kind of thing.
Looking like a proper death knight there sir… oh wait… you’re a paladin? Blizz forcing you to look like a DK because you are good at pvp…
Grats on your gladiator!
The death knight looking pieces aren’t from this expansion. The left shoulder is wrath pvp, helmet is MoP pve, belt is mop pvp, shield is legion artifact pvp. The white pieces are from pvp this expansion but I don’t think they look very dk-ish? Maybe I’m wrong but either way though, you didn’t rate anything so I’m just reposting. And yes that is the point of the mog! Half dk half paladin was the goal.
To rate yours, I think it looks good actually. Not a full set and mostly matches. 8/10