Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

One is often better off ‘doing without’ than using something that would throw the whole image off: in this case, bootless/gloveless fits well.

Perhaps small shoulderpads might look good (but I cannot think of red mail pads small enough off the top of my head, apart from Warmonger’s Pauldrons)?

This is very Red Sonja. Thought of taking the aesthetic to the hair, and perhaps even the pet?


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Like it all but the weapons. 9/10

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You are Darth Cow and you are welcome to slaughter my rebel guards any day.

6/10 from me.

I dislike giving scores like that, but the mog just doesn’t jive with me. The gloves and boots are mismatched color wise from the rest of the more prominent pieces of the mog. It’s also mostly just a set. Lastly, and this is probably just the armory being funky, but the enchants on your weapons make it impossible to see what they are, unfortunately.

Edit: Candikorn beat me by seconds! I have already rated her however, someone else please rate her.

Edit 2:

Thank you for everything you mentioned! I wanted to bring this up as well. Currently, I have my helm chosen to try and match my clefthooves, Matzo and George (animal companion with the same model) with the horns.

However, I always keep Rocky on me at all times even if I don’t use him much for gameplay reasons. Rocky was my black lab who we rescued and adopted, and I grew up with him. Sadly, we had to put him down about a decade ago now due to old age and failing health. So, my buddy is always with me now for whatever adventures I end up taking :>

I’ll have to take a look at leather boot options later to see if I can help find something that fits with the rest of your mog for your rogue.



Transmog is all about details. Unless one is running a set, colours will never match perfectly, but as long as the details are there, it works (example: my main Veryna - still trying to find a decent pair of boots with the correct style AND the right accent gem. It seems to be one or the other. And don’t even mention weapons)

Here it all comes together. Perhaps made more striking being on an Orc. There is scale on everything. The whole looks worn and weatherbeaten. The subdued colours, matched as well as possible give a naturalistic look, which is class appropriate. Also, pet choice can be seen as much a part of a Hunter transmog. Rocky <3.


You’ve hit something which has been on my mind for a while. I’ve been wondering about the knife for some time. I’m now tending towards something curved, perhaps a BfA/Kul Tiran thing, to match the Lantern. Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

Edit: Perhaps the Fangs of Ashamane? Gold Fuller to match the light of the lantern and a turqoise blade to match the accents on the robe. #All_the_tiny_little_details


7/10 I like the lantern but not crazy about the dagger. I like that gloves are hidden w/ just wrists showing bc sometimes gloves look too bulky on NE. Love the chest piece!



Can’t hate on a good sloot mug.



Everything matches. The headpiece is a interesting choice, can’t argue with your log. Everything seems to match and goes together 10/10

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7/10. Classic Blood Elf, but I cap my Blood Elf scores at 7. :wink:

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6/10. Much zugzug, less tugtug?

I try not to demean others based on their appearance or to flatter using only external shallowness. Instead I will not judge you based on the color of your Transmog but instead give you a 7/10 on the content of your character’s name.

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I think you’re just absolutely adorable.

Candikorn. I’m going to give a 10/10 again.

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Exactly what I’d expect a Blood Knight to look like.

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Still applies.

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ur beard is nice 65/427


I appreciate sloot mugs, but yours doesn’t really match color scheme wise.

Let me stand next to your fire / 10

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Blindfolds huh?

Whatever works for you.



I like they look you’re going for, but the textures from different areas very much clash. 7/10.

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