Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)


Not bad, but a bit too classic for me.

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Matches fairly well, and I just adore the candle 9/10 :candle:

Thanks for the rating, and most of all…it’s great seeing you again as well Hella. Always a joy! :slight_smile:


You can never go wrong with the color black, especially if it’s being worn by a cute female Pandaren.


The only thing holding the set back from a 10/10 for me is the belt. I think a more bulkier belt would fit better with it.

By the way it’s cool seeing you again Applebear. (This is one of Hella’s many alts.)



0/10 unfunny and ugly.

8/10 for look.

Minus 5 for attitude.

So, 3/10.

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2/10 for looks
minus 10 for being a carebea.
so, -8/10

Not sure how to feel about it, on the one hand I get the idea, but at the same time, it just doesn’t feel like it fits the class.

So 9/10 for theme, 2/10 for how well it fits the class so average it out 5.5/10.

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you look like one of those blood elves warlocks in tbc classic. except its accurate because you are sweaty and didnt wash your hair.
I don’t like the that shade of green but I like what your transmog look overall.

6/10 its not bad! I’m not a huge fan of the weapons and its a bit plain but overall pretty solid

Kindly find your way out of the thread with those bad vibes. :smiley:


And rate Redrik.

It works, you def look like an armored martial artist. Not sure about the staff though or maybe it’s just the angle of it :thinking:

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The only things that doe not quite fit are the pauldrons. However, considering what the formal Revendrethi shouder armour is like, I can see why you went with something more class like. 9/10 for that Cobra-Ninja vibe.

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You look like a mob I’d find in a dungeon or raid. Which is good, because your set matches and your customization adds to the theme. The yellow eyes and grey skin as well look really nice and complementary.

Solid 8.5, kinda looks like an updated version of the basic Ebon Blade set. Some real good color unity and I’m always a sucker for glowing blue stuff


Very frosty, 9/10.



Very Warlock-y!

10/10. Only Gnome Warlock that I’ve seen that I can take seriously, with just the right amount of light-heartedness that makes the race endearing.

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8/10, good orc concept but the color coordination between the shoulders and weapons feels off to me

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You go eat all the boys’ souls!

There are no set pieces for these Firemane Leggings. This is the best I could do. My character never wears boots or gloves…Once a Hippie always a Hippie ~

Person above me …Very cute but what’s with the candle 9/10 cute as a cupcake ~