Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

9/10 nice color scheme my preference for matching weapon types is only reason I didn’t go 10 but you crushed it either way with the body paint.

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Very grapey! Needs a belt, because it seems a little plain around the waist.

“Everybody’s cute, everybody’s cute, even me…but in purple, I’m stunning!” - Londo Mollari



I really like how everything with your set goes together.

I will dare asking somebody to judge this mess that is my transmog. :joy:

Candi you look like a little red velvet birthday cupcake and cream cheese frosting on top, with just a pinch of corruption baked in.

I love it.


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Rate away, but I’d love feedback on the shield choice.

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You look like a soldier or perhaps a lieutenant in charge of a squadron of warriors. I give it 9/10. It’s nice, simple, and clean.

It’s a 6/10 from me. I really like the subtle green from your boots matching with your tattoos and the dagger. The blue from your pants / wrist goes with each other but doesn’t fit the boots / tattoos IMO. The shield doesn’t match with the rest of the mog, unfortunately. It’s very fancy and bright while the rest of your mog gives off a darker appearance.


Sadly I think it’s the most dwarf-shield I can find. Any suggestions?

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Don’t care to much for the dagger, maybe the legion artifact skin? More my style thought, however 8/10 as it makes me think wildhammer clan meets Braveheart with a tiny bit of Thor for spice.


There’s a few things you could do. I would settle on a main color and maybe secondary color that compliments the first color. I think going with a green and then a black would work well to match your tattoos.

For the shield, https://www.wowhead.com/shields-for-everyone-transmogrification-guide

Some options here for you. If you stick with the blues, the shields from ICC would work well.

Going with greens, the shield from Nefarian in BWD should be a good fit as it would be a great looking tower shield for a dwarf and would match the color theme.

I would also recommend trying to stick to editing posts to reply back to others in a mog thread if possible, just so others can get rated too without being accidentally skipped ^^.

Want to give an 8/10. It’s a full set pretty much. But it looks good on a demon hunter as it’s very appropriate.

I’ll have you know I bathed! I bathe monthly! X_X.

Gets a 10/10 then from then! Well done!

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3/10. Smells of wolves and ogre blood.

Thank you!! But, it’s actually 3 sets if you notice; chest/gloves/head of one, legs/feet is another, and shoulder slot is a totally different set!! Not to mention the cloak… just sayin ^^

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Im generally an overall fan of the flow and theme of your set. Also love the “hoof” shoes. Kinda adds to the more demonic Demon Hunter which I think is cool.

9.5/10. Even though the helm does match the set, I feel like it’s just a bit -too- much for my liking but again, solid work man.


I’m not seeing anything like this. You’re sure its Nefarion?

In BWD, yes. Drops this.

scary/10 it scares me. halp.

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Those pixels just haven’t aged well, sorry.

Looks really good. 10/10


Good colors that give a blood elf vibe. I didnt like the scythe at first but on second glance I do.


Simple but elegant


9/10 from me.

The mog looks great, I especially like the boots as they seem very fitting for a troll, and I’ve always liked the Death knight starter cowl. The only thing I’m not a big fan of is the weapon. While it is certainly fitting for a DK (a frost dk, no less), I’m not it fits as well with the rest of the mog

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I like it.
With the helmet and facial hair choices it’s clearly an Orc cosplaying as a Tauren hunter.