A bit conflicted here, I don’t feel your Jewel of firelord very much, stands out too much compared to the dark aspect of your mog, the rest of it I absolutely love though, very dark knight looking, the sword blends perfectly with your mog,
but then I saw you were a paladin and my soul is now conflicted lol. Still just gonna rate your mog by it looks so you get a 8/10 from me, would give you a 10/10 without Jewel of firelord.
Going to rate you in multiple catagories since I feel I cannot do it right with just one rating.
Effort: 10/10
I am going to give you a solid 10/10 for effort because you are wearing a bunch of very difficult to get items.
Fitting the intended theme
Apart of me feels like the tatoos don’t necessarily fit for the going theme, but they easily could depending the specific intent on this mog and thy also add a bit on uniqueness. Combined with that guild name it is also awesome! Great job with that.
I wouldn’t call this the most original mog, but that’s not necessarily bad either. I’ve seen themes like this many times before, but it still makes for a great theme.
Visual appeal: Gritty
I don’t feel like I can apply a rating to visual appeal because visual appeal tends to be very subjective. Visual appeal can vary based on many factors and to the person. So I just decided to tell you a positive trait I perceive from the visual appeal.
FYI: There was actually a highlight made by blizzard that getting hair to not be chopped when wearing hats is on their list of do to things. So if the hair worries you at all this is something possible to look forward to. However for a working goblin gal, it makes sense that you don’t have hair down. You also can look forward to the goblin model updates. They are looking awesome. Especially for the females.
Btw. This is what I actually look like as truly in my RP by the way and what I am truly trying to rp as. Forgot to post this before. Unfortunately, the mog you see me wearing is the closest I can come to looking like this in game.
Oh my god those mock-ups look amazing
Yeah, I am VERY excited about the new models, the current female gob facial animations are endearing but their age is showing, especially when you see the cardboard teeth. I cannot wait to express proper emotions.
Holding out hope that the heritage armor has some kind of rocket pack cloak ala the Tauren totem cloak, or a bomb bandolier.
6/10 i do not know if it’s a website error but i’m not liking the shoulders and stuff, it’s still a good approach.
I used to be on Emerald Dream for years.
what does WRA have to do with this?
Also are you Rasek or something?
@Mokalyn, a set of plate that looks like tribal cloth or mail armor. No cloak or helm though makes it harder to rate as it detractsfrom the character: 8/10.