Rate That Transmog: Priest Edition

7/10 winter, it fits but just a few little things that keep it from matching perfectly.

My latest mog is simple. Was trying to find a way to use the void elf heritage chest. I need a blue weapon just haven’t gotten there yet.

Looks good. Love that Tabard 8/10.

Goin old school here.

Has a cartoony villain vibe.
not saying that’s bad.


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@inkspot gob I love and face tentacles 10/10

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Really like your minimal set up with hidden shoulders, waist, cloak. Your wep combo is funny.




The head piece is clashing extra heavy, however the robe+blood elf female model kinda sells itself automatically.

You look like a high borne. 10/10

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I’m digging the lo-fi techno mage get-up. Not the most conventional mog, but I dig it. 9/10.

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@Hafri 9/10… I love the mooncloth robe and it looks great paired with those shoulders

Cant help but love the night elf void elf fusion. 10/10.

I like it, you look freshly risen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 10/10

Didn’t i kill you in BoD last week?

Sure wish you could transmog daggers into staffs…

7/10. Boots dont match, assuming a mistake. Could bump it to 8/10.


The offhand seems off.

8/10 seems solid, although the leggings seem a little dark in color.

Whoops seems it picked the wrong character.


A good one, like mixing sets. The only thing that bugs me is that the glow of helm is blue, if only it was purple it’d be top.


I had to settle for the helmet, there is no matching piece for the head slot I looked high and low.

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Mogged my helm mainly just for the wings.

8/10 for having the helm. Been running M ToS for months, it never drops for me!