Rate that mog! Again, and again, and

9/10 I’ve always liked that set for warriors. Not sure how I feel about the weapon though o:

Simple and understated, while also flashing some thigh.
Not bad at all, especially considering you only have 77 levels of outfits to play with. Not sure about the weapon though…


I actually really like this! not a huge goblin person but it feels very earthen, weapon choices are pretty decent and took a risk with asymmetrical weapons. 9.5/10

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Nice badass Paladin look my dude. 9/10.

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Matches pretty well overall, but doesn’t pop out to me as an overly cool set that would catch my attention. Looks like a questing set or an NPC orc you’d see in like Borean Tundra.


9/10, really nice blending of colors, I would lose the tabard though. Here’s to hoping you’re a shadow priest because these head and shoulders are not really holy/disc.



Really like how it all meshes together other than the offhand, which seems out of place to me.


I like the all-black look with blue/purple axe & tabard, help the colors stand out. Even the tone of green from your skin goes great with the tabard purple! 10/10

@ drahreg. refined 10/10 no complaints

@ Toggletorque . 7/10, great color combination but at first look thought you were a rogue vs warrior.

Overall it looks really good. Not a big fan of the belt or shoes (the latter would be better in brown or black imo) but everything else works well for a VE lock- especially your OH. 8/10

I super miss being a gnome

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You got that stabby plushie look going on there, which is my favorite look for my Gnome too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Perfect balance of bikini, bulk, and spikes.


Interesting combination of items, I like that 8/10

Ignore my offhand weapon, it’s just a bug in the armory

In my opinion, you couldn’t have done better capturing the Highmountain Tauren theme, even with a complete set. I might consider weapons that look more wood-like but this is really just a bonus consideration- 10/10

Love the hat with that set and your beard. Looks good. However, I’m not crazy about your weapon and shield. They’re not green enough to really match.


9/10 looks awesome

Looks good, but there’s something that bothers me about it. Maybe it’s the purple gems seeming out of place. 8/10

7/10, maybe hide those shoulders, find gloves/bracers with a more blueish white like the dress and ditch the random staff.