Rate that mog! Again, and again, and

Not bad, not bad but it doesn’t feel “Druid-y” to me. Looks like something a DH would wear. 8/10

I see the sunwake vibe going on, but I think it would better without shoulders. 8 :cow: / 10 :sun_with_face:

Simple, yet sweet. 10/10

GAH!!! I know we’re not supposed to skip but your look is 10/10!!! I’m obsessed!!!

That’s a seriously cool mog 8/10 :slight_smile:

10/10 That’s… really pretty! It fits a human priest.

(Pardon my weapons. I have a pitchfork, but I’m not using a 2h ;o;)

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Could you not rate Sulerin and Jatarri or would that have made too much sense?

@ Sulerin, since you were skipped by someone that can’t multitask, I’ll give you a rating. I’m glad you got rid of the tabard. You look amazing. 10/10

Your mog amuses me :wink: 8/10

One of the few mogs I’ve seen that pulls off an amazing look with low-res pieces. 10/10

The armor has a nice balance of glowiness and ruggedness. You shine with the power of the Light but at the same time you probably don’t mind if your armor gets scratched. Not like a lot of the super-pristine pally sets. It’s a very nice mix of different sets.

My only complaint really is the weapon. Never really been a big fan of that Ashbringer skin. Doesn’t really match your armor theme imo. Too deathly, too corrupted, really doesn’t fit a paladin that isn’t trying to cosplay a death knight.

All in all I give it an 8/10.

Like the Tinker Orc look 9/10

Your mog is looking deadly, I like it, 9/10 from me.


I like this way more than I thought I would. You look like you belong in an anime.

Nice look. Shoulders are a bit ridic 8.5/10.

Not a bad looking mog, I could see it being a Maghar Orc set an being a shaman as well. Love the inclusion of the Legion helm and shoulder combos with the fur. Very much what I think an Orc shaman may wear. What clan is he from by chance if you picked one.



Love the rustic Tauren vibe. Wish you could find a way to make that color from your head mog pop out in other places.


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@Draasyl: 6/10. Doesn’t match very well.


not pictured: Crackers perched on my shoulder

10/10 with crackers 8/10 without

The bandages and swords look mismatched. 6/10

Hmm… 7/10… not liking how the cloak is going there and just not that well of a flow.
Solid though