Rate that mog! Again, and again, and

10/27/2018 09:33 PMPosted by Jesminda
10/27/2018 09:06 PMPosted by Endwyrr
Not entirely sold on the gloves and boots, but the rest looks like an awesome mix of a retribution paladin and a fire mage =)

For mine, I am going for a high elf gone night elf sentinel look

9/10 - one of the better Sentinel style mogs I've seen. Kudos.

The set has a very good theme! Reminds me of a classic hunter and flows perfectly. Pieces that you wouldn’t think work, work great! 9/10
That hair style and colour matches that outfit very well I love it. You look very 'no nonsense'. The boots look a little too big compared to the rest of you, but nothing can be done about that lol
6/10 Couple pieces seem really out of place, but I have love for goggles.
10/28/2018 12:14 PMPosted by Vanîty
6/10 Couple pieces seem really out of place, but I have love for goggles.
At first I was going to take points off for it being unoriginal, but after further inspection I can see you really out in a lot of work to make the other off pieces match your awesome IE Fireland recolour head and shoulders.

As for me I’m experimenting with a teal/green colour palette which has been hard to do for me.
I need help, finding the perfect head piece for my transmog to complete it, it must have something skele related, must match color scheme, of gold, black or shadowy purple. Keep in mind I am an ally priest so this is not the most easy task.

Out of the list from Icy veins I found Exorcist's Dreadweave hood, was an ideal match, with one exception the color is wrong, so where can I find a list of uncommons, that show the image of the piece?,I need help, finding the perfect head piece for my transmog to complete it, it must have something skele related, must match color scheme, of gold, black or shadowy purple. Keep in mind I am an ally priest so this is not the most easy task.

Out of the list from Icy veins I found Exorcist's Dreadweave hood, was an ideal match, with one exception the color is wrong, so where can I find a list of uncommons, that show the image of the piece?

6/10 for the transmog above mine, the color scheme is all over the place, but the style is decent.
Tanthienna, 8/10. I've always liked those robes and they look very "ornate vestment" that a priest wants, even though they work just as well on, say, a shadow warlock. As you say, something is missing, but I'm not sure what.
10/28/2018 07:30 PMPosted by Brenri
Tanthienna, 8/10. I've always liked those robes and they look very "ornate vestment" that a priest wants, even though they work just as well on, say, a shadow warlock. As you say, something is missing, but I'm not sure what.

8/10. I mean I can sorta see you as a shaman but you look more of bar maid then Shaman at a glance. Took me making out a all the details.
10/28/2018 07:30 PMPosted by Brenri
Tanthienna, 8/10. I've always liked those robes and they look very "ornate vestment" that a priest wants, even though they work just as well on, say, a shadow warlock. As you say, something is missing, but I'm not sure what.

The head piece and I cannot find one, it's terrible. to get that far only to be stimied by a missing head piece.

6/10 Phelios you have too many colors. Bright flashy gold on the top half, but dull on the bottom.
I like the old relic feel of the robes and knifu. You look like someone who has spent time delving into ancient old god civilization ruins. The halo goes surprisingly well, with the shadow look. I also love the hoop earrings too. They add class. 10/10

I am going for an Ashenvale sentinel look
10/10 one of the best Ashenvale Sentinel transmogs i have seen.

The reason I gave it a 10 also and I hope this is accurate because I'm new to transmog your character is lower-level so you did not have the full range of gear to choose from but made The Limited selection work

10/10. Great matching and cool weapons to finish it out. Well done.
10/29/2018 04:41 AMPosted by Varyk

10/10. Great matching and cool weapons to finish it out. Well done.

I love it. 10/10

I'm not very fond of Worgens in general but I gotta say you look good, I like your druid theme, suits you well and you made it work with green lol, good job, 10/10 from me.
10/29/2018 07:41 AMPosted by Krenindor

I'm not very fond of Worgens in general but I gotta say you look good, I like your druid theme, suits you well and you made it work with green lol, good job, 10/10 from me.

Boots and belt don't quite mesh well enough (especially belt) with the general theme. While the weapons do fit the general red-ish theme there are alot of nice daggers that might be more appropriate. Still love the BFA pirate cloak so a 6.5/10.
10/29/2018 09:49 AMPosted by Yenifare
10/29/2018 07:41 AMPosted by Krenindor

I'm not very fond of Worgens in general but I gotta say you look good, I like your druid theme, suits you well and you made it work with green lol, good job, 10/10 from me.

Boots and belt don't quite mesh well enough (especially belt) with the general theme. While the weapons do fit the general red-ish theme there are alot of nice daggers that might be more appropriate. Still love the BFA pirate cloak so a 6.5/10.

8.5/10, the only reason i dropped a point is because it looks like a Mogu set that just seems off on a Bloodelf. The mid section seems kind of lacking as well.
I think if you were purposefully going for a Bloodelf from Pandaria then well bring that score back up because you nailed it. That issue is merely my personal preference.
I love it. Looks really shamanistic. 10/10 very good with maghar aswell. Good job
6/10, the color scheme kinda works, but the physical pieces are weird, belt is wrong lol

(Armory is showing the wrong enchant for some reason
https://i.imgur.com/sfRVBYg.png is the actual mog)

Just a perfectly done Mog. Matches perfectly and the enchant really looks good. Screams death knight which is what you want your Mog to do.
10/29/2018 01:42 PMPosted by Seelani

Just a perfectly done Mog. Matches perfectly and the enchant really looks good. Screams death knight which is what you want your Mog to do.

You nailed the tribal shaman look. plans to go zandalari troll?


The mog look like great, like garrosh horde great, and that is a good thing.