Rares With Long Respawn Times

Do the shareholders get excited when I sit in the same spot for 3 hours waiting for Hopecrusher to spawn?


Care = Pay your monthly sub. Don’t care = if you log in.



But in all seriousness, it’s okay to have some things that are more of a pain to get. Either you get lucky or you camp out. And that’s fine.

I think it’d be fine if those kind of rares were damage sponges more often though. Give people a chance to get there. Throw an alert on the screen. Everyone who cares is running NPC Scan anyway.


Yeah, but it’s a daily camp that lasts hours and the mount has a low drop chance. It’s not engaging to just go AFK at a rare’s spawn point for a couple of hours every day. Tahonta has a much shorter respawn time than Hopecrusher.

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They actually care if you log in.

Not really or directly.
Don’t think they know what is going on, it’s the devs who think it’s ‘‘good design’’.

It’s why I don’t camp anything anymore, not worth the time.

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i don’t think the shareholders watch rare respawn timers. they’re too busy watching the stock market.

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Yes. They are probably ecstatic that there is a way to get consumers to play for hours and hours with almost zero content.


It makes me nostalgic for XI rares, notorious monsters.

I would spend all day camping the emperor or leaping lizzy making all sorts of enemies. Tagging a NM and battling them while everyone watches and waits for you to die so they can steal was always exhilarating in a dorky way, haha!

I swear some people won’t be satisfied til every mount is on a vendor somewhere…

You must be a blizzard stockholder then because obviously putting the mounts on a vendor means they’ll cost a currency that’ll force players to spend millions of hours grinding gold or just buy it with tokens / off shady websites. The only real way to solve this problem is to just give everyone every mount.

I don’t know, but players do.

It’s the Timeless Isle model: multi-hour respawns with a 1% chance to get what you want to drop when it DOES spawn.

That’s what Timeless Isle was.

And people LOVED it and continue to sing its praises.

I HATE the Timeless Isle model, I think it’s one of the worst things to ever happen to the game.

But a lot of really vocal players loved it so, /shrug

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I didn’t ask for that. I just want the rare to not take forever to respawn.

Time was, “taking forever to respawn” was the hallmark of a “rare” mob.


They also dropped what you wanted when they did spawn, though.

Time-Lost Proto-Drake was a 100% drop rate.

The sin of Timeless Isle was merging long respawns with low drop rates into one single frankenstein’s monster of pain.

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Or, cease the whinge.

Ok, but the lengthy time of the respawn is what gives the mount its rarity.

The mount he drops is not unique at all, though. It’s just one of the covenant mounts.

Cmon, you and I both know that moaning about every tiny thing is what gives this forum life.

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Long respawn time and low drop chance is a bad combination.

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Camping for hours that turns into days praying for tlpd to spawn and not vyra.
Also, rare spawn hunter pets that have longer respawn timers… WHY (looking at you, skoll, loque, arcturis, bulvinkle, lightning paw, and karoma)

Well, it is after all, called a “rare” spawn