Rares With Long Respawn Times

I’d like to see a SINGLE shareholder point on a map and tell me even the zone that Hopecrusher is in.

Actually, now that I think about it…

New rule: All shareholders must know odd and obscure WoW knowledge. Any who don’t must be expelled.

This was my complaint with charger pre change.

Either give it a small chance and low respawn timer or high chance and long respawn.

Sha & TLP

Players will decide which theyd rather suffer although neither is great. Sha timer is stilll to long imo. thing should be up every 2 mon not 15

The reason the Sha mount is so rare is that it wasn’t even on his loot table the first year of MoP when people were regularly killing him for year.

Nobody had his mount for the first year, until it suddenly started appearing after a huge protest on the forums and Blizzard doing mysterious Saturday maintenance - after which Sha mounts immediately started appearing in loot boxes.

Prior to that Saturday maintenance, you would sometimes get a Sha box with nothing in it - no gear, no gold, nothing. That was a box with a Sha mount, but since the Sha mount wasn’t on his loot table, the box was just empty.

Ive farmed it during dead content time on a bunch of characters and i dont think ive ever seen anyone get it. I was farmin on like 10-12 characters when theres nothin to do too. But im not exactly hrdcore

Isnt it like a .3% drop or something?

The drop rate on wowhead is skewed because it’s tracking all those kills from early MoP when everybody killed him every week for gear, but nobody could get the mount because it wasn’t on his loot table - even though it was listed as such in his dungeon journal entry.

Ooooooh. gotcha, well that gives me some hope then. Although my secret luck stat for mounts is probably close to 0.

So not too much hope.

Being a shareholder isn’t a very difficult thing to do. Would you like me to show you all my Venthyr alts that have come across Hopecrusher as well as how many shares of ATVI I’m currently holding?

Raise your bar a little higher or maybe try to understand stocks a bit more and who actually has the power.