Rares need a fix asap, people cant tag

This problem is only going to get worse, gear levels are rising and people are one or 2 shotting the rares on timeless Isle, 10 people standing around dont even have a chance for their button input to go through before the rare is dead. Streams of swear words from players at each kill lol. I wont even get into the griefers that are deliberately one shotting it just to ruin others players fun and experience, some times its just over powered geared players pressing one button and mob is vaporised. It needs the same treatment the world bosses have in retail where they dont die for 3 seconds after reaching zero health. Otherwise all rares will be for one person only pretty soon.


Please don’t give them more health. It’ll just make them as horrible as Zaralek Caverns fighting them on off-hours.

Just ramp up their spawn timers, you only get loot from them once a day anyway.

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I think there’s a buff they can give to rares which shields them from lethal damage for 5s which would work better.


You absolutely have no idea what youre talking about. This is in panda remix, they spawn every 20 minutes and drop loot each and every time, so they are heavily camped now and die in 1 millisecond, more health? that wouldnt fix it, they need an invulnerable fix like the world bosses so everyone trying can get their tag in that 3 seconds.

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I don’t know about that. At the start of Remix I was doing the kill rare achievements and I had to circle around for ages to see one spawn. That was before the powerlevel had inflated that kills them instantly.

I can tell you that they do drop every time. Like while I’m waiting for dungeons I parked myself at that yak guy they get someone to buy the statue on timeless aisle. And I just kill him relentlessly every time he spawns when people trigger him, and every single time I get items.

Wow that was typed terribly, it’s 4:30 a.m. I need to go to bed. That’s just awful writing.

I dont even know what to say to this, I guess Im just lying even though Ive been camping all the rares for 3 days straight lol. A lot of them are on a 20 minute timer end of story, they drop loot every time end of story, just log in and see for your self instead of arguing omg

Maybe I will. You’re the one arguing, I’m just sharing what I experienced.

they reduced their respawn timer to 20 minutes after the last kill and people are getting loot from them after every kill - I agree they should only be lootable once a day though. If they did intend people to farm these constantly - just increase the once a day loot and let people go play the rest of the game.

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Can confirm. Was questing through dread wastes yesterday and killed the warbringer like 7 times in the course if 13 hours.

those ones you always could get loot multiple times a day - they just didn’t spawn as often. I actually think those ones they need to keep that way because people on non RP servers never have a chance to kill those normally and those drop mounts. Plus they don’t interfere with quests or achievements or anything else other people are trying to do.

Oh. lol. It was weird. Those few kills got me exalted with golden lotus. Idk why that rep filled that fast. Klaxxi and the alliance one took a day, still working on cloud serpent.

Drop loot every time you say? Sounds like an unintended loot bug to me.

Except they were recently patched to be on a 20 minute timer, before they were not, you understand the loot they drop is just threads right?

I ended up making a character on a dead RP server to farm for those mounts a few years ago because I could never find them up on my normal server which is in the Chicago PvE CRZ grouping and I still have hundreds of those tokens from that

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Rares in MoP have never had a loot lockout. That design wasn’t implemented until WoD.

they took a lot time to spawn though which effectively did the same thing for most people

Thread farming? sounds like an exploit to me buddy. Get back to the dailies and lfr or enjoy your free vacation.
I heard from a trustable source that they will soon be making rare spawns drop loot once a day to prevent this kinda behaviour you’ve describe.
I guess we will know if its an exploit soon enough :-).
Thats how it works anyways right.

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:smiley: ok ok lol ya its hard to tell here

just for reference
that was satire
its only hard to tell its satire cause 99percent of the forums actually believe everything i just said
have a nice day :slight_smile:

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