Rare spawn rates

I know this has been brought up a thousand times on here. But im going to say it again, can we please stop putting mounts on rares with a 1% drop rate, then also putting the rare on a 2+ respawn timer? With a daily cooldown aswell.
I know rares already in the game arent going to get changed, Blizzard wont look back and help the quality of life for players in older expansions. PLEASE JUST STOP, no one wants to see this in shadowlands. It needs to stop. Either make it daily with low respawn, or no cooldown with 1-2 hour timer MAX.

Anyone with something to add please feel free.

EDIT: I’m not specifically talking about the Shadowlands Pre-patch event. Im talking about rares in general. For example, jsut go look at the BFA Nzoth Assault rares. Some are only up one week every 3 resets.

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The mount is only on the rare because it shares it’s loot table that existed already. Chill out lol

It doesn’t drop anything else that Skadi dropped so not sure what you’re on about.

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…You do realize the Blue Proto-Drake drops off one of the Icecrown rares because that rare is a boss from a Wrath dungeon where the very same mount also drops from…right?

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its more about the rares being gated so much for no reason. I’m just using mounts a a clear reason as to why someone would actual camp said rare

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They aren’t time gated for no reason, they are time gated so that you continue to play the game for longer. You can also have more chances on this mount if you go into the literal dungeon he is from and clear it on as many characters as you have that can do it.

Skadi is probably the worst example you could have used for this.

i dont think i mentioned the Pre-patch event specifically. Edit above

He drops epic versions of the dungeon items, take 3 seconds to look at the names. Skadis iron belt - dungeon Skadis saronite belt - rare they’re the same item appearance wise, they have a different name because they are epics.

That’s my misunderstanding then, since the pre-patch has a rare on a long respawn timer with a 1% mount drop

Skadi in Utgarde Pinnacle as a 10-item loot table, ranging from various weapons and armor types. The lvl 52 world elite version only drops 6 items:

  • Drake Rider’s Jerkin
  • Skadi’s Saronite Belt
  • Skadi’s Scaled Sollerets
  • Accursed Keepsake
  • Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake
  • Pitch Black Scourgestone

The only commonality they share is that some of the drops go in the same item slots.

IMO it’d be more motivating to be less stingy with the drops. Does anyone actually still want to be running decade old content on multiple characters weekly when they could actually be playing current content instead?

  • Drake Rider’s Jerkin (Drake Rider’s Tunic)
  • Skadi’s Saronite Belt (Skadi’s Iron Belt)
  • Skadi’s Scaled Sollerets (Skadi’s Scaled Boots)
  • Accursed Keepsake
  • Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake
  • Pitch Black Scourgestone

Yes. Especially when the current content is in a lull or waiting for another patch etc. If everything was handed to you, then you would stop playing.

This is what I’m replying to.

They do NOT share loot tables. This is false.

It’s not false, they share the same items but they are epics so they have different names but the same appearances. Quit trying to play semantics.

i dont want anything jsut handed to me. It would just be nice if they didnt put mounts into the game like they did with nzoth assaults

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I didn’t reply to you, did I?

Just giving my 2 cents

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This isn’t semantics, my dude. You said they shared loot tables as justification for him dropping the mount, which is vastly different than “certain items with different names.”

No it really isn’t. You just want to argue about nothing on the internet.