Rare spawn rates

Your 2 cents has nothing to do with weekly locked out raid content.

then take your convo into DMā€™s and not this post, thanks.

How else can they show they have an anti-addiction policy in place?

There are no dms on the forums lmao

Yeah, Iā€™m really talking about the other 90% of the expansion where thereā€™s plenty of current stuff to work on.

Conversely, if you never get it, you also stop playing.

Heck even just a little bad luck protection would be welcome. 200 kills of stuff on a weekly reset for example.

They have that. Itā€™s the in-game store.

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Ah yes, Iā€™ll just pop on over and pick up an Invincible.


Agreed. Long farms with a guaranteed drop (Aeonaxx/TLPD/etc) are good, daily or weekly low % farms with no spawn timer are good, and infinitely farmable low % mobs on a medium timer (Huolon/Warbringers/etc) are good. Having a long spawn time AND a low drop rate AND limited chances is too much.

If they want the mount they do. The mount may have been introduced 10 years ago, but itā€™s still valid and desired by players.

Iā€™m still working on the Green Proto Drake myself (no, I havenā€™t been farming it for 10 years, though I imagine someone might have).

There are a boat load of easy to get mount drops in this game, thereā€™s also a bunch of rare mount drops, or mounts you have to ā€œworkā€ for.

Variety is the spice of life.

My favorite mounts took time to get. Winterspring Frostsaber, Flaming Hippogryph, both my red and blue proto drakes (My DK uses the proto drakes, red for Blood, blue for Frost, I want the green for Unholy).

The easy mounts, just not that attached to them.

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Yet here you are, still playing. They will never hand you things, crying about it on the forums wont get you the mount but doing the content will. Maybe try that instead.

I donā€™t mind something being hard to get, or taking a long time. Knowing that itā€™s just pure luck actually seems less impactful to me.

Iā€™m only here now because of corona. I quit in WoD after playing since vanilla, and Iā€™ll be gone again when life is more normal. The good thing is I had plenty to catch up on, so i donā€™t mind skipping the farming.

A big thing is that it used to be a chance for 1:25 people to obtain it. And now you can even farm it solo. Itā€™s a pretty huge win, even if the chance is low.

I know some folks have tried forever to get some of these mounts. I got the Blue drake in 50 runs of UP, with many of those a couple of weeks of steady, daily, farming on two toons.

I donā€™t really go after the weekly raid mounts because a) theyā€™re weekly, and b) I generally donā€™t like running old raids. They just take forever and ever, and even getting the mount is rarely that satisfying.

Myself, I like ones that you earn: Currency (rep, tokens, gold), stack of achievements, completing a long quest chain. Something you make tangible progress toward as time goes on.

I got the Raven mount in 5 runs. Thatā€™s just raw dumb luck.

Winterspring Frostsaber was a good grind for me. This was before the most recent change, when it was still a grind in Winterspring, but it was also during BC, after it had been nerfed the first time.

Still took me 3-4 weeks, couple hours a day to get. Heā€™s Piddyā€™s daily driver, and the toon I farmed him with is still in Everlook, where he was essentially abandoned as soon as I got the mount ā€“ a L70 Hunter. At this point, Iā€™d rather level another hunter if I wanted one than bring that one out of retirement.

But, different strokes for different folks. What youā€™ll likely never find me doing is camping for the TLPD. Not my playstyle at all. Hate that.

And, recently, I saw folks SELLING the TLPD. Later, I heard that there was some way to get zone resets to make him spawn. Man, talk about making something special even more cheap.

And I have no problem whatsoever paying for AOTC carries. My guild was ][ close to getting Heroic Nā€™Zoth down, but we didnā€™t make it, so I bought a carry to get the mount. The problem with that, of course isā€¦wait, what was that mount again?

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