Rapid Fire was overnerfed, Math Inside

So, there is math that is not returning in here.

The tooltip used to show 350K damage against the dummy.

If we say that was 140% on PVP, and the nerf is by 20% additive, so from 40% increased to 20% increased.

If we do the math, it should be as follows.

350K / 1.40 = 250K

250 K * 1.20 = 300K

Instead the tooltip is showing 280K. This is a flat out 20% nerf of damage.

This was not the intended number. The skill has been gutted

The intended number was a 20% decrease of the augmentation on pvp. As in the patch notes, instead we got a flat out 20% decrease of damage of the skill…

This further proves my point, that Blizzard sucks at math.

Please, for the love of god, have people do some math courses. Now you should increase whatever you did Rapid Fire damage by about 7% multiplicative. Additive cant tell what you messed up

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