Complete dissapointment on Blizzard. Cant even math right

So, this thread speaks for itself …

Bad at math, gutting the spec. Now i have to play BM which i dont like. I refuse to play with a gutted spec beyond developer’s intention.

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You don’t HAVE to do anything LMAO

But yea blizz math is absurd, they clearly don’t test their stuff or have an idea of “balance” in their own game.


well, Rapid Fire been gutted BEYOND intention …

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is that the only ability you use?
just sit there and spam Rapid fire the entire time?

I agree nerfs hurt but you have a lot of other things to use if you truly love playing MM.
However if Rapid fire is the only thing you like about MM then yes, go to BM and spam Kill Command instead.



Trusting anything a tooltip says in this game is your first mistake.

The problem is not that they nerfed it, the problem is that they did the math badly and overnerfed it from devs intent…

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Well, if they messed up they should make it right then.

A hunter sad, how bad

Anyways, Hunters on the menu, bois

Good. Rapid Fire has been entirely too strong of an “I win, gg go next” button in PvP for far too long.

coming from the ret pally who carried all s2 with no nerfs. people like you are why dh got nerfed 1 week after a rework. give us a new build, then nerf it 1 week later. youre still bad though

BM is a joke in PvP compared to MM, at least in terms of damage.

It kinda has been that way since Season 1 in DF when BM was strong, but that’s over.

Cobra Shot just tickles people, MM shots actually hurt.

The whole BM style of ramping up is just too slow in a bursty mode.

If it speaks for itself, why did you feel the need to repost it?

You dont get it, it was nerfed, but instead of nerfing the skill from 140% to 120%, they flat out nerfed it 20% (Not what the patch notes said).

So basically it went from 140% to 112%

Its missing 8% damage (additive), around 7% of real damage. This is huge

Imagine being upset about playing the best spec.

Hunters these days, I swear. Bunch of whiners.


being nerfed beyond developers intention is clearly not intended. Im on the right here

Good try troll.

Oh, you don’t get it: Good. Marks overperforms with a one-button “i win” rotation. I would like to see RF nerfed further in PvP to create class balance.