Rant - State of SoD PvP

I’m in love with SoD for the most part, there are a lot of great things about it and it does a good job of respecting my time as far as character progression / PvE content goes.

I have played WoW for 20 years and played primarily for PvP. In SoD, any content outside of a full 15 man AB premade with all members in discord is completely unenjoyable.

Shamans have been ridiculously overtuned since launch, and the gap has gotten wider every single patch. In classic, the worst match up in the game was Arms vs Frost mage. Without consumables, this was only winnable for the warrior by juking blinks and perfectly timing intercepts. In the worst match up in the game, there were still counterplay options.

In SoD however, the worst matchup in the game is Shaman vs literally any other class.

There is no counterplay. Elemental shamans beat you in every aspect of the numbers game and feels like you’re fighting someone 5-10 levels higher than you. They don’t go OOM. Any spec can be a full blown tank with shield mastery. Any spec can shut down casters entirely with spirit wolves. If you don’t have a cleanse for the flameshock, you will get oneshot. Their tier gear is grossly overtuned, providing Mp5, bonus spell damage AND bonus healing. Against paladins, they will always be 2 GCDs ahead because of purge. You can remove a 3min DPS cooldown that causes forbearance with a single GCD. Paladins will go OOM closing the gap just re-applying seals and cleansing flameshock. There is absolutely no counterplay and a vast majority of alliance players have completely given up on PvP, outside of premades to get r14 and never touching it again.

Please, developers, save SoD PvP. I have been so excited for this project for so long and I refuse to reroll Shaman to have any enjoyment in this game. Is there any word at all on your plans for PvP balance, or can you confirm if this is something on your radar?

There are a lot of amazing ideas to revitalize PvP. We could have a neutral dueling zone like Dalaran Sewers, events calling for faction capital raids and incentives for killing faction leaders, we could add achievement-based tabards or cosmetic enchants. I really want to enjoy this and outside of elemental shamans, PvP is not in a terrible spot.


So to be fair…
Warriors have knowingly gotten the shaft in sod you lose to a paper bag and pencil holder, let alone any real class. Its the worst PVP class BY A WHOLE MILE.

a full BIS r14 tank shaman is just as unbeatable as a full BIS tank r14 paladin. Paladins even won the last big EU dueling tournament. Not shamans my friend.

I encourage you to sit outside Stormwind and duel the best paladins, Then once again I encourage you to sit outside ogrimmar and duel the best shamans. I promise you will get farmed just as hard either side. The balance between the two classes feels VERY close.

I do 100% agree we need a neutral dueling zone so more people can see this, but we have been asking for this since phase 2. Si I hate to say it, but if that hasnt happened, i doubt anything else you discussed will. :frowning: . Also loved your other pvp ideas sound like fun but there is littile to no chance.


Make a cool PvP event in eastern plaguelands next phase and also add more stuff to the blood moon vendor next phase so we can keep that going too.

Allow people to queue BGs from anywhere in the world. Might be able to get some warsong gulch games that way because I haven’t seen any for a while.

I’ve seen some cool rank 15 ideas floating around here too.


Yes, Yes, Yes … yea you know what… im just going to go ahead to give your post a like … i agree with everything.

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Fair enough, I suppose I don’t feel the paladin issues because I don’t have to fight them outside of duels (they hurt)

I think this complaining about Shamans is like a phase too late. lol Unless your talking about Tank Spec. We all agree it should be nerf into the ground.

I can go down the line and tell you how to beat Ele shamans with every class. Some will have an easier time others wont. But, Ele is far from OP… Hunter, Boomkin, Rets, Rogue are currently better.

I have mention they should let us queue up for bgs from anywhere in the world. That will 100% make the world livelier. Give us another STV event in another location. Give WSG the AB treatment.

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you are seriously missing chromosomes if you think druids, hunters and rogues are better than shamans lol…shamans are way overpowered right now

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Tank Shamans are op. Can you get that through ur thick skull. Ele is in a good state, Ehn is non-existent. Zug, Zug!

World PvP event in the same zone as Naxx and Scarlet Crusade Raid next phase could be really juicy.

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We need Tyr’s hand to become a FFA PvP zone, as well as hearthglen in wpl. The mobs can drop endgame mats. Like armor scraps from naxx, Obsidian shards, and various other late game/raid mats. If you die in the zone you drop 50% of your mats and they are lootable by players. Add random buff pickups around the zone like leaf and zerking as well as a stealth detection eye from arena. Maybe other thematic buffs as well.

Also no grouping to negate zergs… Also add a spirit rezzer at the entrance of each zone. This will negate camping someone. This would also make it difficult for bots to farm the endgame mats.


Love your videos homie!

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Thanks bro, respect :muscle:

all pvp shamans are tanks

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SoD pvp is absolutely cooked, but youre quite literally a braindead ape if you think shamans are even slightly op compared to paladins, boomkins and hunters


PVP has been a clown fiesta 2 shot mess most of SoD but if youre trying as a warrior it will magnify the problem. The dev team openly memed on warrior at blizzcon and we all knew they would intentionally do warrior dirty. Arms isnt even a supported spec in SoD, down below the tanks and healers, yet rogues get all 3 talent trees as playable to OP in both PVE and PVP + a new tank way to play. Why? Bias, that’s it. Rogue was a close second in raid in 2019 vanilla and then #1 in every other game activity, and then for the last 20 years rogue/lock/mage has been OP, because because warrior in raid could spam heroic strike to remove -19% hit penalty and glancing blows to beat rogue in classic raids it must now suffer in SoD? brain dead, failed dev, DEI, helmet wearing logic, but that’s what we have at blizzard in 2024/5.

This, pls!

you only play horde, you’re the braindead. get rek also

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Sit in org and SW.

You will see an overwhelmingly amount of shamans in org.

Not the same for paladins in SW.

I wonder why this is :thinking:?

duels have a confined zone

You can quite literally just purge paladins and remove anything that makes them overpowered