Rant - State of SoD PvP

No gay bars in SW?

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Don’t listen to the perpetual whiners about PvP balance, its largely fine if you’re not an S Key backpedaler in full raid gear which I see a lot of, those are generally the people that struggle. That may have worked better in Era but not in SOD where HP, every GCD, and mistakes matter a lot more. I’m an Arms Warrior which is generally seen as a weaker PvP spec/class in SoD and my chances against everyone is pretty decent except stacked Rogues that know all their timings. In BGs with the HP buffs I feel like my 1v1 chances go from decent to very good. And there’s no 1v1 matchup in SOD as laughably lopsided as Frost Mage / Shadowpriest vs Warrior in Era.

Sure some classes are a bit stronger than others like Rogues, Shamans, and Balance Druids but if you’re a good player and properly geared you can succeed in PvP with any class.

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Im in your same shoes. I just got sick of posting about shamans. I literally stopped PVPn in WoW ever since Marvel Rivals came out. I suggest you do the same. You most likely will enjoy it more if you like to pvp. Also its more balanced instead of dev shaman bias…

PvP rewarding PvE materials sounds absolutely awful.

who would have predicted it… another crying post

Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about about. Tank paladins don’t have anywhere near the same damage output. And that dueling tourney was won by a shockadin, a spec that’s no longer on top due to having zero upgrades after bwl. You shouldn’t make comments if you don’t actually have a clue what’s going on.

That said, all tank specs should be banished from pvp and it should be legal to report people for playing them :slight_smile:

No Gray parse

And spirit wolves rune was banned if you weren’t enh. they don’t mention that part

im having fun with my 2h fury war with all the big bonuses from the gear set in bgs, not everybody wants the best tho its okay :wink:

I disagree. Tank paladins only good against melee classes and gets dominated by any ranged class. Shaman does not. And A shockadin won the duel tourney as they are op and were able to abuse the bubble before it got nerfed

How exactly does a tank shaman fare against range? When they can’t block their spells to get mana back, can’t really mitigate caster damage. Dont get me wrong they have more tools to help them against casters. Grounding totem, Decoy Totem. But how exactly are they doing damage to casters? All their spells are castable can’t get that flash shock on target farther then 20yards, so those lava burst procs arent happening.

Mage, Boomkin, Lock should have no issues with a tank shaman. SP will have the hardest time but still they can win with some good rng.

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Have a % damage reduction, range interrupts and totems to absorb spells. It’s not about the 1v1 though. Flameshock will put out more pressure than an entire prot paladins tool kit.