Rank your top 5 the most fun and boring dps specs you have ever played!

I have played mage, priest, warrior, rogue, druid, demon hunter, paladin, warlock and This is my list sorted and based on my experience:

Top Most Fun

  1. Destro warlock
  2. Outlaw rogue
  3. Ret Paladin
  4. Surv hunter
  5. Shadow priest

Top Most Boring

  1. BM hunter
  2. Arms warrior
  3. Affliction warlock
  4. Arcane mage
  5. Sub rogue

Share yours! :slight_smile:


Aff lock
Enh shammy
Destro lock

Not so fun


This also made me remember that I have two druids and I don’t think I’ve ever specced them boomie. Also never tried WW or Ele specs on those toons.

priest is boring.
dk is boring.
marksman hunter is boring

prot warrior is fun

mistweaver is fun


  • Boomkin
  • Fire Mage
  • Ele Shaman
  • Holy Priest
  • Frost DK


  • Arms Warrior
  • Blood DK
  • Sub Rogue
  • Mut rogue
  • Havoc DH

enhance always old mm not new mm gave hunter up as well as old survival spriest was gave that up to and thats it besides many dk’s in wrath all deleted now.

Top Most Fun

  1. Vanilla Hunter - You could experiment with dozens and dozens of talent combinations and not get channeled into “ranged” or “melee” by specializations set up by Blizzard.
  2. Prot Warrior - Tanking through Legion was a breeze with this.
  3. BM Hunter - Post true talent tree Blizzard - and tanking Legion in 5-man was a breeze with this too. I wish Blizzard would make it available to be a true tanking spec.
  4. Fire Mage - Loved, and still love, the burstiness of it. I don’t play it much because I don’t like the mobility issues.
  5. Frost DK - just started this and I’m loving it just fine.

Least Most Fun

  1. Assassin Rogue
  2. Subtlety Rogue
  3. Outlaw Rogue
  4. Feral Druid
  5. Affliction Warlock

Fun (for me)


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I’m not huge into dps, so despite having played for many, many years, there are actually several specs I have very little or no experience with… But I think the ones I’ve enjoyed the most have been:

Enhancement shaman
Shadow prieset
Marksmanship hunter

The one dps I know I really don’t like is rogue. I tried to level a rogue in Cata once. I really tried. But the energy system is really frustrating for me. xD

Destro, Shadow, Outlaw (when SnD was removed), Feral

Arms, Elemental, Ret

MM (mop)
SV (shadowlands)
Demo (mop)
Fire mage (cata)
mw (legion)

Not so fun:
Combat (pre outlaw)
spriest (bfa, cata-wod was fun)

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  • Demonology Warlock. Nuff said, even though history has not been kind to Demonology. It is this one spec I enjoy the most above all others for some reason.
  • Shadow Priest. Even though Voidform is a controversial ability, I enjoy the class fantasy of it along with the knife that speaks to me.
  • Arcane Mage. If I only can get my hands on Arcane Harmony.


  • Destruction Warlock. CHAOS BOLT GO BRRRR and what’s up with Rain of Chaos RNG? SERIOUSLY.
  • Unholy Death Knight. Maybe this is me but I think I’m more burned out with Unholy than any other spec as compared to Frost, most of the time it’s more competitive in PvE content… and most of your damage comes from your minions now, not Shadow Damage with an unhealthy balance of both.
  • Outlaw Rogue… I just suck at rolling the dice lol. But yelling inverse-Yahtzee is nice I guess.

Honorable Mentions:

  • MM Hunter. I am a sniper. But for some reason, a Laser Chicken can shoot me in my prime range.
  • Sub Rogue. Very stealthy, would try Assassination Rogue along with this too.
  • BM Hunter. Imagine you have pets, nothing else. Also idk about Barbed Shot fam.
  • Frost DK. Perhaps the most complicated relationship I have with it. While it is strong with DAMAGE SPIKES and summoning Frostwyrm. There’s just a lot of feels bad factors with this spec.
  • SV Hunter. Perhaps the most indifferent spec class in the game for me.

Everything else is inbetween for reasons so I did a top 3 instead of top 5. With top 5 honorable mentions.

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Demo (MOP), you’re right. I was thinking currently expansion. But Demo from MOP was probably the most fun spec I’ve ever played.

Top Most Fun

  1. Combat Rogue
  2. Assassin Rogue
  3. Shadow Priest
  4. Fire Mage
  5. Aff Lock

Top Most Boring

  1. Outlaw Rogue
  2. Havok Demon Hunter
  3. Arcane Mage
  4. BM Hunter
  5. Sub Rogue

I just want real combat back :frowning:

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Samesies :frowning:


It took me three tries, but I do enjoy my assin Rogue.
BM hunters are my thing. I have three - one is an old male vet Orc. Like the play. It can be laid back or complicated, and of course the hunting down rare pets.

My fury warrior is a nice change from my Vengeance DH who I do like.

Tried afflict lock, shaman, and mage. Lock had me for awhile and haven’t played Shaman enough, but do enjoy it the most of the three…I think.Lock is pretty darn fun.

As for dislikes the only ones that come to mind is DK’s, Priests, and a Paladin I probably didn’t give enough time to find out.

I haven’t played much of anything else in SL, so I’ll note expac.

Enhancement (MOP)
Elemental (LEGION)
Ret (SL)
Shadow (LEGION)
Outlaw (BFA)


I liked Legion DH even BFA DH.

New DH, zipping around like that is fun, but it seems risky. The number of times I have almost fel bladed the balls in Painsmith, or just backflipped off a ledge on Sylvannas… just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

Y’all are nuts.

DK is most fun

others are good and bad

Anything rogue is just yuck

I don’t have 5 I find fun lol
DH was fun for a little bit in between breaks to change it up
Fury Warrior

Everything else