Rank the most powerful class according to the lore

What would be the most powerful class according to the lore?

Here is my opinion:

  1. Warlock
  2. Mage
  3. Evoker
  4. Demon hunter
  5. Shadow Priest
  6. Druid
  7. Paladin
  8. Death knight
  9. Shaman
  10. Monk
  11. Rogue
  12. Hunter
  13. Warrior

I don’t know the Lore like others might. So I’m thinking about most memorable classes based on Blizzard media and cutscenes.

  1. Hunter
  2. Mage
  3. Shaman
  4. Paladin
  5. Death Knight
  6. Warrior
  7. Druid
  8. Priest
  9. Warlock
  10. Evoker
  11. Monk
  12. Rogue
  13. Demon Hunter

*Death Knight
Demon Hunter
Paladin = Shaman

" * " means I wasn’t really sure where they fit in, but went with my gut.
Edit - Thought about it and demoted DH.

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  1. Mage
  2. Warlock
  3. Paladin
  4. Death Knight
  5. Demon Hunter
  6. Druid
  7. Shaman
  8. All the others are a toss up

S tier - Warlock, Mage
A tier - Death Knight, Demon Hunter
B tier - Evoker, Priest, Druid, Shaman, Paladin
C tier - Rogue, Warrior, Hunter, Monk

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Wow you didn’t even include healing priests. I see how it is.

Having 3 faction leaders be priests isn’t enough?


Im fine with most of this but Druid I would put with Locks/mages and Move shaman down to C tier as their power is just borrowed/granted by the elements. At any point the elements can not give them any power for w/e reason and they become some bloke with a hammer.

  1. Warrior.

Broxigar is one of the only two mortals who have ever physically harmed Sargeras… So… yeah, Warrior.


He was just a lucky warrior. Think better about how Saurfang get his a%$&ss kicked

I’d say this.

  1. Death Knight (Hulking mass of undeath in plate armor? Disease you from afar, send ghouls after you, death grip you and hard to kill cause already dead.)
  1. Shadow Priest (Can’t fight if you’re driven mad by the old gods whispers and then suddenly with no realization you leapt yourself off a cliff against your own free will. Or perhaps sliced your own throat or something.)
  1. Demon Hunter (Likely immune to most diseases due to their fel blood, masters of runic magic with thousands of years of experience as elves. Plus they excel at killing demons, some of the scariest foes ever. Demonic Magic, ability to see through all magic with their fel sight. Hardened scales with metamorphisis and flight too? Hard to beat I imagine. Especially since they’re nimble and quick, and massive hulks when they transform. Good luck not getting torn to pieces.)
  1. Warlock (Similar to above, just plagues you with disease and sapping you of your strength from afar. Sends demons after you etc. Hard to beat.)
  1. Evoker (Scale humanoid which is fairly tall and large coupled with full flight and the magic of the aspects? Hard to kill I imagine, and catch for that matter. Plus lighting you on fire, altering time, scratching you from distance with talons etc. Ouch.)
  1. Mage (Need we anymore proof of their power? Though not everyone is Jaina or Khadgar, their basic toolkit is deadly enough as is. Portal you to the middle of the ocean? Polymorph? Alter time and stick an icicle through your heart. Who knows, too many tricks to counter for most classes I imagine.)
  1. Shaman (If the elements have your back, your opponent can likely be super screwed. Suddenly it rains and then ZAP, burnt to a crisp in an instant with lightning. Or what if you just soften the ground and let them get stuck in mud? Harden in, blast them in the face with magma? I guess not all shamans are this OP but sheesh, so much deadly versatility.)
  1. Paladin (Hax Deus Ex Machina moments galore. Will probably kill you with the power of friendship out of nowhere. Plus dutifully trained and skilled in combat etc.)
  1. Druid (Though not every druid is Malfurion; still enough life magic and versatility to take out many of its competitors. Can’t fight back a deadly cat or bear if you’re wrapped in vines. Hell, a moonbeam to the face might not look so pretty.)
  1. Hunter (Well if he has some pets or poison arrows, will be hard to multi-task against this in live combat. Plus any well placed arrow can finish a battle in a heartbeat. Ultimately however I believe the classes above just have too much other methods in their arsenal that’d catch the hunter off guard in lore. Hunter would probably be dead before he/she could get an appropriate setup.)
  1. Warrior / Monk (I’m putting these together because I believe majority of their skill and survivability depends on the individual. Though that can be said for the rest too, I feel these two are some of the most barebones. Yes monks have more utility but a berserking warrior that refuses to die is also just as scary I imagine. Hm, hard for me to decide here.)
  1. Rogues (Sorry rogues, I just see yall as a class of oppurtunity. In a square fight ya’ll gonna die… okay maybe not, plenty of poisons etc. Dang? Maybe I should put warrior beneath? Or monk? Naw, I think even if you poison one of the above, monks can probably cleanse their spirit or something and warrior just has to get one hit in. Dang idk, this one is hard. Still I put rogues at the bottom lol.)

How deathknight can be that high? I would put paladin above them

He got a luck swing and only did damage do to having one of the strongest weapons on the planet. and in the end that damage was nothing but a minor nick to Sargarus.

I would not put death knight that high. Think more about those random deathknights from shadowlands. They are just enhanced warriors with some magic. They are not like arthass

Why are people putting the Dh and dk below mage and warlock lol. They both specialise in absorbing magic and draining mana.

Cause they are predictable melees with some magic abilities.

Mage and Warlock can pull out a new spell and destroy your world.

Assuming they are all at peak performance:

  1. Evoker
  2. Mage = Warlock
  3. Shadow Priest
  4. Druid
  5. Demon Hunter
  6. Shaman
  7. Death Knight
  8. Paladin
  9. Monk
  10. Priest
  11. Rogue
  12. Hunter
  13. Warrior

All these people putting Warlock at top and Hunter at bottom. I just want to point out that in the original cinematic it was hunter w/ a bear vs warlock and it didnt look like the warlock was just wiping the floor with the hunter.-

If we go by who actually gets top billing in the strategy games and in the story, the biggest movers and shakers lore wise would be:

S Tier - Mage, Shaman, Warlock, Druid
They have power on a big enough scale to shape the whole setting.

A Tier - Priest, Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Paladin, Evoker, Monk
They have power on a big enough scale to shape an entire story arc.

B Tier - Hunter, Warrior, Rogue
They have power on a scale that usually relegates them to support roles.

The rankings are a bit fluid. It could be argued that individual Priests like Tyrande can wield power on the S Tier scale under certain circumstances, but one individual is not enough to define the whole class. On the other hand, the Evoker and the Monk don’t really play up their story defining abilities and a case could be made for them being on the B Tier alongside the other primarily martial support roles, but both classes have the potential where it matters for being on the A Tier thanks to their respective celestial and draconic endowments.

It also doesn’t mean B Tier classes are not important or can’t be central characters. A well placed Rogue (Garona) murdering Stormwind’s King was a keystone moment in the Second War.


What ?? The hunter is fighting a Tauren.

The Warlock is the Undead with the massive Infernal behind. Who also casually burns a pack of murlocs in the TBC cinematic.

S tier - Vulpera, Warrior, Priest
A tier - Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Monk
B tier - Druid, Shaman, Paladin
C tier - Warlock, Mage, Hunter
D tier - Rogue
F tier - Evoker

Ranked by the mental fortitude and trustworthiness of the NPCs who play these classes in the lore. So many people rank warlock so high, but every warlock in the lore is a weasley chump who can never do anything even remotely correctly. Every time we fight a big bad lock, they’re a bumbling overconfident fool.

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