Rank the most powerful class according to the lore


The rest are just cockroaches waiting to be crushed when we get around to it.

Lok’tar Ogar


Shaman is getting lowballed hard here. Y’all forget about how stupidly powerful the elements are?

If we scale the classes dbz style based on power feats, it looks more or less like this.

S. Lock, mage, Shaman, DK, Druid
A. Demon Hunter, Shadow Priest, Paladin, maybe evoker, need to know more about potential.
B. Monk, Rogue
C. Warrior, Hunter

Course, warriors, monks and rogues could do a lot to the others in a 1v1, but none of them can blow up a planet quite like a warlock.


Only cuz his weapon was enchanted.

Don’t downplay him, he took on an army solo before that.

My favorite class.

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A mage soloed the avatar of sargeras . The guardian … we had truble with the empty husk.

I dunno after that. Garfish beat thrall so warriors can’t be bottom tier .

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I play all classes just to get that out front.

The answer is DK. Legion showed this very handily. I played all classes and while there are certainly powerful people who INDIVIDUALLY are way beyond power levels, across the board, DKs are just insanely OP as canon individuals and for one simple reason…you will serve.

You kill one of us? No biggie, another homie DK or Lich King brings us back. You die? Your corpse and soul serves us. Maybe you become a DK, maybe you are ghoul/skele or maybe some of your bits and parts become part of an abom. Death is our domain. We’re just unstoppable of a force.

Canonically, the scourge are still an active and barely contained threat even after all these years. We know how to kill demons for good. We’ve ousted gods and titans. We’ve stopped literal alternate realities for merging into our own. We can not stop death.

It’s sad we all forget about Velen :frowning:


Death Knight - first hero class, and sort of feel like the LK was the first Death Knight and he was and still is very ironic…and powerful.

I get we’ve gone several layers of crazy in the writing since WoTLK, but on the surface of the lore I’m into, DK is just crazy powerful.

Also, it was the only class in WoTLK that could solo 25H ICC at gear level.


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I really wish people would justify their answers. Like we’re not talking game balance here and supposedly we aren’t even talking the singular outlier individuals but the more average representation of that class.

Like no dip random mage against Saurfang in his prime is no contest. But to say your average warrior representation is going to have the likely edge over a typical mage representative is just laughable.

And let’s be real. Warrior would be on the bottom of any given tier list


Idk I think it’s about the “most powerful” so it would probably include the outliers since they would be the most powerful

A lot of mages are very powerful in lore lol.

The stand out class that stands above all else

My tier list!


Warlock: Gul’dan is the only Warlock in recent memory that had any relevance, but he also singlehandedly almost brought Azeroth to heel. Multiple times. He demonstrates just how powerful Fel magic is.

Mage: Magic is a prominent force in Azeroth and beyond, and there’s a great many able Mages manipulating it! Heroes and villains alike have dabbled in spellcraft, be it for knowledge, for protection, or for raw power. People have grown to rely on Mages for a wide variety of reasons, and that’s not likely to change any time soon.


Warrior: Understated but some of the most prominant figures in Warcraft’s history have been just a person with a big weapon. To name one: Broxgar is a legendary Orc warrior who wounded Sargeras itself. That’s basically just a guy managing to inflict a wound to Satan, and this is after he slew countless scores of Demons. No small feat.

Paladin: The righteous ones going around in plate have been a mainstay in Warcraft lore, and have been particularly mighty in this regard. Uther, Alexandros, Tirion…Some mighty fellows indeed.

Rogue: Always in the shadows, Rogues have made very pivoting moments in Warcraft’s history. Garona, Valeena, Mathias…Many Rogues have done many things, and changed the course of history forever as a result. And no one ever sees it coming.


Demon Hunter: This would be higher up on the list if they had more to fight. After the Third War the Night Elves feared the practice of becoming a Demon Hunter and banned it. Only after Illidan’s return were they brought back, and out of necessity as the Legion was attacking once more. With the Legion more or less eliminated as a threat, Demon Hunters are still strong, but they don’t really have much to do right now.

Death Knight: Exact same boat as Demon Hunters.


Druid: Druids just haven’t had any real representation for a while. Not to say they’re weak, but they sure haven’t been up to much. In fact the only thing Druid related is the return of Ysera. Really the only thing I know for sure they’ve been doing is growing things.

Hunter: Hunters, likewise, don’t have a lot of representation. Rexxar I think counts as a Hunter but he’s been pretty calm as of late. It’s hard to say where Hunters should be since the idea of a Hunter is pretty varied: Is it ‘person with bow’ or ‘person who handles animals’ or a trapper? Because of this, I’m just plopping them at C.


Monk: There’s really no major Monk representation. You have the two faction Monks, and I guess you get Taran Zhu who spends most of MoP getting beaten up by various things. It’s not great.

Priest: A lack of representation and what representation they get is often minor. Anduin is a Priest for all intents and purposes, and he spends an entire expansion getting immediately kidnapped and corrupted. Really ‘getting corrupted’ seems to be a running theme with Priests. They’re pretty down there.


Shaman: When Shamanism isn’t being vilified, it’s being useless. Thrall is probably the most prominent Shaman but he doesn’t…Do anything with it. He has to shoot a non-shaman Dragon Laser at Deathwing. He tries to fight Garrosh ignoring the dozens of Dark Shamans he had with him. And then he just flat out loses his powers completely? And we have it with the Primalists which seems to be an off-brand of Shamanism. Sorry, Shamans, you aren’t at a good power level.


Evoker: As they were just released it’s hard telling just how prominent, or powerful, Evokers will be. I’m sure we’ll find out as the expansion goes along!

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A demon hunter in lore worth thousand demons.
Malfurion can summon thunderstorm so powerful that it would shake entire world

And it takes just one staff that can make portals to make entire planet explode.

Well it depends

If we’re talking about it based on the most powerful if them

Top ones be like mage/warlock

If we’re doing “average” power, be more along the lines of

DK (Arthas Era)/DH/Lock up top


Then a huge gap

DK (Bolvar Era)

cool thread!

I won’t list all of them, but i think certain classes like priests have special sub-specs that may be stronger than their more basic counterparts due to the magic they wield

  1. Demon Hunters (Should be able to counter warlocks, on paper)
  2. Warlocks
  3. Death Knight
  4. Shadow Priest (They can use void magic, which is one of the most powerful schools in the game)
  5. Mage & Evoker (I think evoker is pretty much a battle mage, but both can control time to a certain degree, which is very unique and powerful imo)
  6. Shaman & Druid (wield power in the same school of magic…just experts in different areas of it)
  7. Monk

:star2: Forgot pallies lol (not actually sure where they’d rank…probably tied with DK’s since they’re just holy counterparts with the same power to res the dead :star2:

I wanted to include necromancers, but until they’re playable, i just can’t!
I also didn’t consider individual lore characters like Illidan, Medivh or Jaina in this ranking

My brother can beat up your brother.


Have we seen a names mage actually fail? Medivh, kadghar, and Jaina are all stupid OP.

Thrall is light years ahead of the pack in terms of potential power according to cata.

Malfurion is insanely powerful in cannon.

Broxigar is out here repping for warriors, but saurfang went up against some of the biggest bands and walked away with us. He didn’t fall until a juiced up Sylvanas and old age got him.

Sylvanas was a super strong hunter in lore before the jailer’s additional power boost.

Anduin literally aoe rezzes half his army in a cinematic, and then after that he’s the only one to delay an attack by the jailer.

guldan is just over the top powerful for story reasons.

Rogue is the only class I can think of that has been around since Camilla that doesn’t have someone punching above their weight. Mathias has done nothing important. Garona is over hyped in lore imho.