Rank 3 isn't high enough

Getting honor capped was exceedingly easy. Only took one week of actually trying and winning about 8-10 games of WSG.

Any chance of changing the plan and giving us a couple more ranks we could earn? Since we’ll be stuck with this obscene rep grind for the next 6 weeks.

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If you are not exalted with wsg, you got stuff to do.

Also play an alt

I’m not saying I’m bored, far from it.

I’m saying that the rep grind feels hollow with honor not really mattering.

That and the premades and bots don’t seem to understand how little play time it takes to get to rank 3 and still HK farm for some bloody reason.

I think the idea is that it should be long enough for people who have jobs, responsibilities, and other games to play can get there before the end of the phase. I imagine it’s also so that people can do it on their alts as well.

Maybe you can just play PvP for the sake of PvP instead of looking at everything in terms of numbers. :person_shrugging:

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Meh, that contradicts Vanilla PVP.

Vanilla PVP is ranking, there’s no ranking.

Hk farming is just recreational. You dont need to do it to a point its about killing your fellow man

There is no reason to grind out exalted with WSG right now when the cap is only rank 3.

You have level 40 & level 50 caps, when the ranks will be increased to 6 & 9 respectively, to grind rep and honor at the same time.

inb4 someone says exalted bracers (they aren’t in game currently and no one knows when they will be added)


At 40 you may prefer to be “grinding” (tbh I don’t like the term when in this context PvP is a thing you do for fun) AB as well as STV as I imagine STV will be its own rep not tied to AB, at least I don’t see the thematic tie between STV and AB so I have a hard to rationalizing they’d use the same rep.

There will probably be an event that gives AB rep in Arathi Highlands. Do that til revered.

Then you have from rank 3 to rank 9 that you can grind in either WSG or AB to earn rep towards exalted.

You will definitely be able to hit exalted with one of them by rank 9. Exalted with both might take some extra grinding beyond what’s necessary for rank 9.


They’ve confirmed we are getting an STV event in phase 2. Unless you’re suggesting we go to Arathi Highlands at 50?

Maybe they do Arathi at 50, or maybe not at all. I have no idea. I’m not a dev.

Regardless: you’re going to need battlegrounds to reach rank 6/9 at the later level caps. Might as well save your WSG rep til then.

Yeah, like are you gold capped bro?


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I considered it a blessing in disguise as premades will likely be worse when the rank cap increases and (potentially, unconfirmed) epic bracers become available next phase.

EDIT: Oops, replied to the wrong person. Anyway, this is a more general comment.

Honestly though, I really suggest that all the people complaining about premades actually form their own and see if they can beat pugs.


True they should let us get up to rank 14 now so that I can complain about how there is no content in the game and it’s boring for the rest of the phases

Premades aren’t giving me a problem at all, actually, and I haven’t even joined one!

But then again, I am an experienced pugger who knows what I am doing. I don’t think my strategy would work for most people though, so I try to* stay out of the premade discussion.

Oh, I didn’t mean that as a snide remark, like “Stop complaining and go make a premade,” I meant it in the sense of “Those people who come to the forums and complain act as though just because a group in WSG is a premade that it’s a free walk in the park. They should really try forming their own and see how they do.”


If you’re waiting for premades to get worse so you can slide in and pug your way to exalted, I think you’re going to be waiting for a long time.


I am about to hit exalted pain-free.

I know what I’m doing.

Congrats on playing the game 18 hours a day, I guess :joy:

I’ll do it when I’m knocking out rank 6/9 because I value my time.